Friday, November 1, 2013

Bark Bark Bark and more Bark Bark Bark

I have been very lame and anti-posting as of late.  Much of this has to do with the fact that life has predominately sucked and I really don't just want to crawl up on a soap box and whine about how bad I have it; when I know I'm actually really lucky.

We crashed the only working car. Yep.
But I have sweet and wonderful friends.  They came over helped put the Jeep back together (even though yes, it needs an engine and we are driving it currently on borrowed time) and let me camp out on their couch and drive an F350 for a week so I could get to work in exchange for some food and toddler management.  I think I got the better deal, but hey, no complaints.  I was even fed lasagna...which I hadn't eaten in YEARS.

Our Fishy died. A Featherfin Catfish and the only fish I've ever been attached to because of his coolness factor....this was sad.
This is a Fishy. He never was cool with the camera. Cameras meant bright light. Catfish are fairly secretive and don't really care for bright light.  And this was a couple years ago. He had grown larger.

I did get another bunny.  I renamed him Snoops because of his sweetness and inquisitiveness.  Vincent and Snoops get along quite well and I think Vincent is really just happy for some company.  Nothing wrong with a free, cute, sweet Holland lop...nothing at all. I think I'd cuddle him at work if I had time and thought he wouldn't get injured....the pair of them are good for my stress levels.

Vincent is the fluffy Angora and, of course Snoops is the cute lop. The cuteness is nearly unbearable.

Jon got a raise.  I got a middle of the road yearly review...which is, I suppose, not too awful since I only had three days training on being a receiver, and my other training consisted of just "do it" and "this is how its done" with no real explanation which is not fair. Also, the receiver tests that I had no prep for came as quite a shock.  Really?  There is an entire cash handling manual but NOTHING on receiving?  My job is just as important as cash handling...more important as I am the only one who does inventory management unless my boss is feeling particularly ambitious or feels quite in the mood to be helpful (and he does, actually lots of days).

We had lots of kiddos Trick or Treating last night.  We never had so many despite the rain.  So, of course we ran out of candy too early, but, hey, we're on a budget, candy is EXPENSIVE and we never had that many kids before.  I find it odd that NONE of them were from our neighborhood and even more disturbing that all the costumes were pretty awful.  Kids and parents appear to continue to get lazier.  One poor kid got a granola bar...yes, because her siblings had drained us of candy and we didn't have enough.

We did carve pumpkins and I forgot how much I enjoyed it.  I still think I like painting them better, but maybe I'm lame.

Talked to my Aunt who has horrible fears about car accidents (her brother was killed in one) and then of course had to call my parents for fear they would hear the news secondhand.  All my dad had to say was, "well, if you don't figure things out like you always do, give us a call and we'll see what we can do to help."  Which is sweet but I'm a little old to always be running to the parents.  I shouldn't have to at this stage of my life, but things have changed in this country and not for the better.

It is now November and I am just wanting to get all the Black Friday/Christmas bullshit out of the way so things will quiet down at work. I'm really getting tired of 17 boxes of more of UPS per DAY plus the heavy trucks full of Chinese imported junk that TSC apparently has fallen in love with these days.  Would like to know what was wrong with the Larin tie down set...oh, nothing was WRONG with it, it was made in the USA and therefore the PROFIT MARGIN was TOO LOW.  And really that's what its all about, not the employees, not quality, its just about PROFITS.

I also need to find out when our inventory is so I can schedule copious amounts of vacation time around it.  I need a week or so off.

My dog is going apeshit. I think she also could use a vacation.  Not that we can really GO anywhere...unless a miracle occurs or we obtain a new/old Jeep engine...but her barking relentlessly at EVERYTHING is driving me crazy tonight. I can't see anything out there for her to bark at making me think its a neighborhood cat or raccoon or opossum. 

And that's life at the moment.

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