Saturday, December 6, 2014

6 December Photo Blog

 Our small blue spruce.  Potted,  and wearing only lights and Krang.  Krang is the traditional tree topper at our house.

I got a new camera, so hopefully this will lead to more photo blogs as I am much happier with the photos this camera takes than the camera I have had for fourteen years. It had stopped functioning properly a few years ago and I just wondered why I was having so much difficulty taking a decent photo.

                                                 The stem of a heritage pumpkin.

                                                       Jon and Emma having a cuddle.

                                Doggles looking, as usual, photogenic and ready for a snuggle.
 Emma, in her Super Dog pose.

Moose, my old friend.

                                                     Playing with the black and white settings.

                                                                    My pretty orchid.

Friday, December 5, 2014

5 December

There are things I wonder.

Such as why is it okay for my husband to comment on an annoying child screeching like a Ring Wraith at the next table, but not for me to comment on some woman's superficial and ridiculous comments to a woman she clearly could care less about but felt for some reason compelled to speak to in passing.

 Guess there is a difference?  I don't see it.

Guess my husband has a bug up his ass again. And "This is why I don't want to take you places."

Gee. Thanks.

And sometimes I wonder why I stick around.  The difference here is I don't throw it in his face.  I don't threaten.  But, sometimes, I wonder. And, maybe, someday, I won't be here.