Friday, December 30, 2011

The Christmas Rat

Christmas Eve morning was an early morning. Ratty McGee got his head caught in a rat trap and commenced to slowly die while trying to escape with the trap, which caused a horrid rattling noise from the trap not being small enough to squeeze out from behind the stove.  I poked at the trap, rat and all, until I forced it into the bucket I use for dumping rabbiit poo and threw the whole mess outside into the cold 20 degree weather to deal with much later once Ratty had expired.  So far, no more rats.  Mice, however, seem to be eating the peanut butter off the rat I need to invest in mouse traps. Yay. More things to gross.  I did find a hole in the inside of my pantry, so for the time being, I have plugged if off with a giant chunk of concrete (in abundance in our backyard since we demolished our old concrete porch) and a piece of board from when we built a wooden porch.  I intend to go to the store and buy some expanding foam and mouse traps and that should be that.  Well, aside from the missing drywall, which is another issue entirely, but maybe my food will be able to go back into the pantry at some point. I'm tired of rummaging in the fridge and one cabinet for not supposed to be refrigerated items.  It's hard to find anything!

The trip to Ohio for Christmas was nice and quiet.  Jon got really sleepy driving and finally let me take over at 15 minutes until our destination.  Silly boy. I volunteered halfway through.  We let ourselves into my parent's house at 2 am, their old dog, Bean, woofed at us then was all twitterpated and happy.  We packed ourselves off to my old room and went to sleep without even unpacking.  We didn't do much except hang out with my parents then drive back home, but it was a nice time. Not relaxing exactly, with all the driving for a two night stay, but a nice time.

The store has been annoying, with Tim's cheap schedule (no bodies), all the moving of various things around, and idiots returning things they bought or were gifted.  If you don't know what to buy someone, try a gift card to a STORE WHERE THEY ACTUALLY SHOP.  Don't expect the store to have common sizes after Xmas for exchanges, all we have are things in size medium and size 4X...if you aren't one of those, you are out of luck.  If the gift wasn't paid for with cash, your refund will be refunded 1. either to the debit/credit card of the person who bought the damn thing, or 2. as a store credit.  Sorry. Just keep that in mind.  Tim has since realized his mistakes and has been frantically calling people in to work. Maybe he just should have scheduled more than two people a shift to start with.  So yesterday, we FINALLY finished the freight that was left from Tuesday.  I worked a giant dog food pallet in 45 minutes, and Tyler was called in to deal with the feed truck, which got semi-worked.  Tyler works really hard, people are just that annoying and needy.

Jon has also been annoying as he realizes that working 40 hours a week makes it difficult to do anything other than go to work and come home...unless its a day he doesn't work. Yep. Welcome to reality.  So he is horribly grouchy and making me and the dogs crazy with his grumpiness. Wonder how he thinks I've ever accomplished anything while working 40 hours these last three years?  I mean, just this morning I've done laundry, vacuumed and washed the small amount of dishes that accumulated from last night...all before I leave for work.  I refuse to leave dirty dishes anymore since the rodent problem.  They need to find some other buffet.

Heading to Ruth and Joe's tomorrow night for dinner. Should be fun.  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Me and Ratty McGee

We have rodents, oh real reason, we aren't uber clean but not complete slobs...the only reason we have rodents is that our house is old and hard to seal up.  Also, probably the MAIN reason, most of the drywall in our utility room is missing due to plumbing issues, so if an errant vermin winds up in the crawl space or the attic, its pretty simple for it to just climb through the wall and into the house.

That being said, mice always move into our house during winter. I have some experience catching them (and cats) on glue traps.  Yes, I have caught my OWN cat on a glue trap.  Lots of cooking oil, then lots of Dawn soap and I ended up with one mad, and still somehow greasy, kitty cat.  Seems my cats only want to catch and eat the mice that are already caught.

This, however is different.  I found big poo behind the stove, along with insulation that seems to be from the stove. By big, I mean, too large for a mouse, too small to be my cats suddenly deciding they don't feel like using their litter box because they have suddenly become senile.  I cleaned it all up including any food, also did behind the fridge. 

I woke up at 4 am because of some weird rattling noise.  Because of my sleep disorientation, I didn't really locate the sound so I wondered around the house, found nothing, and ended up in the bathroom.  I poked at the small trash can and out this rat came...and, because I was startled, I screamed. Yep. Screamed. Me.  Unusual.  But I was sleep retarded.  I mean, what was I really expecting?  I poked at something to cause some sort of result, right?  Well, I got it then I acted like some shiny cellophane princess. 

The dogs gave chase but to no avail.  The cats simply looked unnerved.  Like, "Erm...oh THAT was what that weird noise was...scary...what? Why are you looking at us like we should be doing something?"

Jon mumbled at me, asked if I was okay when I climbed back into bed, trying to fight off an adrenaline rush because despite the 4 hours of sleep I was still dead tired, so I wanted to go to sleep. Still do, for that matter..but alas, am awake. Then he went back to snoring...until more scratching started then HE became unnerved. 

So, at the unholy hour of 7 am I was on my way to Home Depot to buy some rat traps. Oh yes, I got the ones that look like big, black clothespins so that if I do manage to catch Ratty McGee and probably his pals as well, that I don't have to touch the fuckers to release them from the trap.  Also, it looks difficult to accidentally spring this while setting, which, to me, is a bonus. Mouse traps hurt. A rat trap would probably break a finger.

It is now twenty to nine in the morning. I am exhausted. Jon is....sleeping...damn him, and I am  probably going to try to go back to sleep.  I don't have to leave for work until...12 30pm. 

I hate you Ratty McGee.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Two days off work is great for an attitude adjustment, which makes me feel like the corporate idiots need to schedule ALL full time employees two days off in a ROW each week.  I was less annoyed with customers and my job today than usual, even though I work the same number of hours each week.  It's just nice to have a two day break from the annoying. 

Jon and I celebrated our "Early Gift Day."  I got spoiled with a new Ipod Nano and the entire Freaks and Geeks series.  I did not expect such riches. I just knew Jon was being all secretive and buying me things.  Which, of course, caused me to buy him things even though we had discussed NOT participating in the holiday frenzy this year.  The gifts I bought were less extravagant, but were what Jon wanted.  Magic cards and a pair of nice wool socks.  Still, he was sad that I didn't spend so much as he spent.  Ugh. Frustrating considering this is exactly why we usually don't do the whole gift thing.  I wasn't aware we had money to spend...but, I am of the opinion that I need spoiling once in a while, and I don't spoil myself, so he should.   I spoil him. 

I am so tired despite having days off.   The dog trio loved to wake me up every morning at around 9 am if I was lucky to stay in bed that long to go outside and romp.  Sadie was so easy and quiet, but this dog pack was quite rowdy and not ready to allow me to rest.  They fed off each other's energy.  Funny, Doggles and Emma are BOTH sleeping on the couch next to me at the moment, the most relaxed I've seen them in days.  Emma misses Sadie, though. I heard her whining a few times.  All in all, they were all good dogs and caused little to no trouble.

Jon's pal Shane was over until 3 am last night.  Didn't seem to understand that Jon and I were going to get up early-ish...Jon to go to work, me to go have tea with Ruth and take Sadie home.  Of course, he is used to getting up at 4 pm and getting off work at 3 he's completely backwards.  I like Shane, I just wanted to go to sleep.  I should sleep right now. But Jon is over at Shane's and I never seem to sleep when he's not home. 

Check engine light is still on.  I was going to have a girl use her code reader on it while we were at work but she left at  9 and the rest of us left at 9 30 so I didn't quite catch her in time.  Sigh.  I guess I can go to Autozone, but I still hate the "boy's club" feeling I get whenever I go to those places.  I could send Jon but that makes me feel even more of a stupid female...but on the other hand, I do get tired of dealing with realities...seems like that's all I ever do anymore.  Be nice to have a reality errand boy.  I probably should buy a replacement gas cap and see if that does the trick, $20, relatively inexpensive, and probably worth the peace of mind if it would do the trick.

Not sure if I am taking one dog, two dogs, or no dogs to my parent's house this weekend. Need to decide, though.  I hate leaving Doggles. He is completely MY dog...and understand what Ruth means when she says she thinks she is doggie co-dependent.  I also don't want him to go through that horrible "I EAT YOUR STUFF" phase again...and me being absent from him seems to trigger it...wish he'd get over it.  I guess he's human codependent. 

And, as much as Doggles is my dog, Emma is Jon's.  She just loves him more.  I am not offended.  Some personalities just mesh better.  She's so easy going and easily startled, that its funny that someone so brash, opinionated and loud at times gets her...but then, Jon is high-tempered and has to think about what he's doing more when she's around...I think they are good for each other.

We still have mice.  Uck.  Meaning I should buy traps.  Uck.  The glue traps were a bad idea, since I caught a not too happy cat.  So I suppose I should get the ucky smash 'em traps.  Poison is definitely out. Too many animals that I don't want to eat a poisoned mouse...otherwise, I'd totally poison the horrible little nuisances.  I don't want to do any of this. Jon refuses to deal with the mice, or did last winter, making it all my problem.  How many man points do I get for disposing of sad little corpses?  Makes me sad.  They're not evil, they just happen to have invaded my territory and get into things I don't want them into. Mice shouldn't be so cute; I'd feel less guilty.  With two cats, I'd think they'd catch them, but they only catch the mice that are already stuck to the glue traps.  Sigh.  I guess I should get a mouser...but then, I don't want another cat.  I am at my limit.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

In Which I think I am Victorious

Today I dog-sit, which is really simple and fun and Sadie has only been checking windows looking for Ruth a few times.  She is more laid back this time than last...I assume because Ruth didn't drop her off and I just took Sadie for a ride.  But I can tell she misses Ruth.  She has discovered how to sit on the folding chair by my table and look out the window; just like a person.  Sadie is such an amazing little black dog.

I called my folks to let them know I mostly likely (unless in the event of horrible natural disaster) will be driving down Christmas Eve to be able to spend Christmas with them.  Mom sounded extremely happy even though she works the day after Christmas.  She talked for an hour and I basically just had to tell her I wanted off the phone.  I got tired of all the depressing stories.  Save those for in person, Mom, please.  I know she is just relaying information that I sometimes do not have access to, but I don't want that to be the crux of the entire conversation. So I didn't tell her I spent tons on my car, or anything of that nature, just that we are doing fine.  I'll talk more when I'm sitting around their house with no internet, no television and not a lot to do besides visit.

Car is doing nicely. Well, that stupid CHECK GAS CAP message came on again last night while I was picking up Sadie and then the CHECK ENGINE LIGHT again...sigh. But I am not going to panic. I just had major engine repair.  The car sounds just fine, the motor is running quite smoothly, the gas mileage went up a half a mile a gallon on my way home last night with all those dummy lights on, and when something is seriously wrong that gas mileage doesn't go up.  So will keep an eye on it. I kind of think perhaps the sensor in the gas thingy is going bad.  Not a big deal.  Just an annoyance.  My dad has a perma check engine light on in his car.  It was just a sensor going out and was going to cost $400 and dad chose not to have it fixed. That was about 7 years ago.  He stuck electrical tape over the light and the car still runs great.

Despite DTE Energy Corp majorly ticking me off, our bank account wasn't down to the last $20 by payday.  I have over a hundred left in there, can finish paying Ruth and Joe for the Jeep, pay off the evil DTE, and pay for my internet and STILL (on Monday when Jon gets paid) have money for gas, food, an inhaler, and maybe even Xmas presents.  And, depending, may even be able to finish paying off the car insurance for the Jeep. 

Guess what a minimum payment for a $1614 balance on a credit card is? It's disgusting and sick.  $32. Wow.  It would take 17 years and $3794 to pay off.   I hope we get that no interest card and can get the balance transferred...and, at any rate, I am always going to send them as much as I can. I was never comfortable covering an emergency on a card. I just didn't have the cash option.  I can't wait until we can save up something like $2000 and just leave it alone for such times.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy

My car is back tra-la!!!!  It makes the driveway look sooo much happier.  Concrete is dull and boring and needs a lot of spice for contrast especially now that the grass has turned that weird winter green/brown/yellow color.  Not so lovely. 

I almost forgive the guy for having it for a week and two days.  Car is less cranky sounding on cold start...the bearing and sway bars being fixed make it turn nicer with less rattling...and mostly I am happy it is not perma-broken or have some mystery gremlin that no mechanic can fathom.

So, despite the ouchy price tag $1614 and some change, it is still cheaper than finding a different good on gas car. Lots of things are cheap right now, but all of them guzzle gas like an alcoholic on a bender.  Cash for clunkers really made life suck for anyone looking for a used car.  Lots of the so-called "clunkers" would have been just fine by reasonable standards...people just wanted a good deal on a new car.  Plus, I figure if I'm nice to it, I can put 100,000 more miles on that car.  Jon's Jeep is 100,000 miles ahead of my car and still going strong.

So, for Christmas, I get my car back!

Now I just have to deal with three, YES THREE different versions of "Run Rudolph Run"  to help pay for the repair (and all the other living expenses) at work.  I counted 15 plays of that fucking song yesterday.  Yes, run, Rudolph, run right in front of a Peterbilt on the freeway.  Then that will be the end of you.

Jon left for work quite some time ago. Nice to have some time to myself and not leave for work an hour to four hours early...although the four hour early days I usually have tea with a pal.  And I do think I am going to continue the tradition as long as I don't work until 1 30 or 2 30 on freight days.  That could change due to the corporate office's weird ideas on freight...but I am not going to volunteer to do freight at 5 am...and the powers that be will have to force me into it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Still no car

The car was dropped off early Monday morning. It is now Friday.  I've been told many things regarding the finish date; most recently, that it would be today. So wrong.  They keep it the weekend.  If they don't put the damn thing back together on Monday I am going to go ballistic.  Who knows, maybe I'll be one of those horrible screaming people who score large discounts by being assholes.  It's definitely possible. This is ridiculous for a job that I was told would take two days.  I knew it was a big job.  I want it done correctly. I also want it done in a timely manner.

  I'm sorry, maybe you should run  your garage a little differently and take appointments?  Or maybe refuse to do oil changes, install batteries, and other piddly little bullshit like install windshield wipers which even the minimum wage workers at Auto Zone will do for you...for free?  The only reason I even know any of that goes on in there is that my mother in law took her car in there today to get a blower motor for her call installed so that her car is a little safer in the rain and snow.  I guess she didn't realize how bad it was until she drove Jon home one day when it was raining.  She came over to use our bathroom because there isn't one in the garage and the restroom at the BP was disgusting. I don't blame her. But she said idiots were having the mechanics install windshield wipers and such.   Isn't that kind of like paying a surgeon to prescribe cold medicine?  I hate stupidity.

I spent tons of cash-ola on things like toilet paper.  Then Jon went to work and I was to wait until they called about the car. They never did, of course, so I called them.  Such great news.  Fuckers.  Fix the damn thing!  Jon is now at work and I am drinking whiskey sours while dying my hair and killing time on the computer while watching Hoarders.

We both work tomorrow, of course.   I almost don't even care what the bill is for this repair. I just want this all over with.

The diagnosis?  My 2 timing chains...(oh, joy there's two!)  and two lifters.  At least, as far as I know.  Jon has been dealing with them.  They don't seem particularly welcoming to women.  I hate that.