Sunday, April 26, 2015


I haven't written or done much in a long time.

A simple explanation of the past couple weeks is that I have had a demon virus and have spent the time doing the following:

Having an extremely high fever
Going to work
Coughing so hard I pee myself sporadically
Coughing so hard I vomit
Coughing up bright green goo
More coughing
Lost my voice

I am finally feeling better. Still get tired easily. Still am coughing.  I have managed to almost sleep ALL night the past two nights without wild coughing fits that go on for thirty to forty minutes.

Jon has not been infected. Oddly.

He is pretty certain I have had bronchitis.  I am just glad the doctor's visit I saw looming at the beginning of the week is definitely not happening. I was pretty sure he was just going to kidnap my unhappy ass and drag me there.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day Before Easter 2015


Not a lot of fading. Two shampoos.  Two total soakings in rainwater due to my job and being soaked to the skin despite wearing a raincoat while unloading trucks.  Lots of compliments.  Yeah, some of the people were my friends. One was a random three year old asking her mom questions about why my hair was purple (and her mom said she loved it as well).  Random cute hipster dude when Jon and I were coming out of a Chinese  restaurant.  I leave restaurant in italics because I don't know how to spell it and have to GOOGLE it every stinking time I want to use the word.

Tired of looking at my ugly mug, I decided to make faces at myself considering I absolutely hate pics of myself to the extent that most of my family member haven't seen a photo in print of the traditional kind since about 1998 when my hair was long (almost all the way to my butt) and brown.

The color DID bleed when I sweated at work. I was throwing about 5 TONS of feed that day (not an exaggeration.)  A ton is around forty fifty pound bags.  So, yes, I'm fat, but I'm mighty.  Try tossing feeds over your own height sometime. I'm approximately 5 foot 8.

 But the color still looks nice. Its STILL purple, not faded to blue yet. And from pale blue it usually goes to white...or so the Manic Panic would have by now.

Random compliment from cute hipster guy has prompted much online browsing for clothes. Not that I particularly need any.  Ruth and I went jean shopping at the Salvation Army a week or so ago and I'm fine now.  I have issues finding jeans that fit nicely and I REFUSE to pay full price for jeans I'm going to ruin at work or home anyway.

Not that everyone in life doesn't have fit issues.  That's why tailors used to be commonplace. Now, its a luxury. Wish I could afford my own personal tailor.

But, looking online at Modcloth is always fun.  I'm super picky. I never go anywhere fancy and I'm kind of have lots of issues rationalizing purchases.  But, its still fun to window shop.

Easter is tomorrow. We have been invited to my friend Jen's and to Jon's Aunt's places.  I'm not sure which place I will feel less awkward.  I am super antisocial and claustrophobic. I have also been invited home, of course.  I can't make it there. Wish I could. Just can't warrant a five hour drive just to eat dinner, turn around, then drive back here and be at work on Monday. No. I'm not crazily 20 anymore.  I guess I should be.  I don' t feel my age until I get exhausted and then I wonder how I have so much energy to burn most of the time.

I wish I could get rid of all my social anxiety/antisocial tendencies.  It ruins a lot of things. But, I go on high alert and notice EVERY little thing and drive myself nuts.