Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Morning

Unplanned sleepovers happen.  Especially when someone locks their keys in their car and the other key is at their mom's house and it is the lively time of 3 am.  I do not own a wire coat hanger so Dave couldn't even try that.  We did try the poking a hole in a tennis ball then squashing it over the lock of a car that has auto locks but that didn't work.  Didn't figure it would, but hell, have tennis ball could possibly travel.  So Dave spent "the night"-- all of almost 4 hours-- on the couch. Why such a short night?  I  have to leave for work at 10 am and Dave's mom lives 45 minutes or so away, one direction, and of course, isn't planning to come out here to work today. She usually works in Farmington which is much much closer. 

Dave said he'll give us some gas money. I ordinarily wouldn't take it, but this Jeep eats half a tank of gas every two days that both Jon and I work, so we need fuel money until my more economical car is repaired.  Not sure how long that is going to take.  It's on my to-do list for tomorrow.

To Do List:

Take car to mechanic. Have him fix lots of things.

Go to insurance office, put insurance on the Jeep. Would have done so Friday, but it was a sacred shopping holiday so the God of Capitalism could be worshiped so the insurance office was closed.  So I am technically driving illegally but it couldn't be helped.

Go to Secretary of State and transfer title, get tags.  Mental note: go to small unknown office so horrible 4 hour wait in line at big, well known office won't happen.

Take well-deserved nap.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Poof Goes the Money

 So more excitement.

Had a good start yesterday, nice thrift store shopping and such.  Went to go buy groceries because our fridge contains the following contents: milk (probably expired), vodka, and condiments and the freezer contains: one severely freezer burned package of chicken, half eaten bag of garlic toast and ice. The cupboards contain: some ramen noodles, and lipton rice sides or something...and of course car all of a sudden (even though it was driven earlier in the day) beings making horrible engine ticking.  The ticking gets louder the faster you rev the engine.  I look it up. Timing chain and timing chain tensioner is probably the culprit.  Oh, yay. Now I know what that check engine light was for.  Since I don't want to blow up my engine, which is good, just needs expensive new parts, it is parked and is a pretty yellow driveway ornament, which is sad making.
Lots of stress later, we have kind of figured out a plan.  Is it a good plan, eh, not really. Will it work, I hope so.  So I am unexpectedly off work today because I can't hitch a ride with anyone because I live far far away and I don't have access to another car.  Jon biked over to his mom's house and borrowed her car to take himself to work but has to have it back by such and such a time, so I couldn't have driven it to work anyway. 

Called work, they were surprisingly humane, explained the situation, I lose my holiday pay, which sucks, but nothing can be done about it, and have put plan into action with the help of Ruth and Joe, whom are saving my ass whether they know it or not. 
 I went all drama queen on Jon last night, because I understandably upset, and he was very nice to me and listened to me be ridiculous and figured out most of the details.  I don't often do that to him, and its a credit to him that when I am falling apart he can hold it all together.  I guess that's one of the many reasons I married him.  It works both ways, though.
Everything is messed up at the moment.

Even my power bill.  I went online to pay it because I neglected to buy stamps again.  The paper statement conflicted with the online statement. On paper, I owe $99; online I have a credit of $52. I know which I like better, but I figure I better call customer service so this too won't bite me in the ass unplanned. I told the guy the meter reader came out, I let him read the meter, then a week later another meter reader came out and read the meter, which I thought was odd, but eh, whatever, right?  And he said, "Oh, well, that's what happened, we've been estimating your bill for a while and its finally gotten corrected. So, you ignore this statement, the meter readers will be out again soon and then you'll have a bill minus the $52 credit." Okay.  I'll take a $52 credit any day. I'm just glad I don't owe SOMEONE on this planet a jillion dollars.  To be fair, a jillion dollars to me is anything over $200.

 I owe Wells Fargo a jillion dollars for buying my house, I will owe Ruth and Joe a jillion dollars for a Jeep...and will owe a jillion dollars to the mechanic to fix my car (or my parents or a credit card company depending on which option I select to pay for the car). I should select my parents but that sucks and makes me feel like a kid who can't solve her own problems, but, as far as I know, they don't charge interest.
My old neighbor in Ohio died. Makes me soooo sad.  He died sometime between yesterday and today which makes me wonder if it was during my freak out period in which I told Jon, "I feel like someone died" and cried a lot.  He had Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease
He had only been diagnosed a month ago. Melvin meant a lot to all of us, and, growing up, he was one of the small handful of people I knew.  Living next door in the country means having bigger boundaries but you get to know your neighbors more thoroughly.  He was a good man and I am sad I won't get to see him at least one more time.

I found out on Facebook.  Melvin's wife had posted it.  I hate the use of face face for the purpose of death notification.  Seems an unecessarily cold way to find out that someone died.  My cousin, Erin, did text me as well.  I'd still prefer a phone call.  But I am glad someone thinks to tell me these things since I am not just a half an hour down the road anymore.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

End of November

      The leaves are gone and that makes me sad.  There isn't much that makes me happier than seeing all the bright leaves in the fall, unless its seeing tree buds in the spring.  But, then, I love all things bright colored and happy.  Like tulips, forsythias, and even the fresh green grass in the spring.  I've seen snowflakes and its nearly the end of November.  The skies are gray and the trees are bare.  I am just glad its stayed temperate.  Blankets of snow are fine, for the first day, so long as I can leave my house, meaning less than 8 inches of snow...more than that and my little car gets stuck with the greatest of ease.  Snow is quiet and peaceful, even in the city, so long as I don't have to be anywhere, I don't mind.  But I do mind the cold and always being cold.  I can't stand it or the feeling of being trapped inside because of the nasty cold wind.

       Emma Bad Dog just went through the trash, out of boredom, I guess...I look up and shes blatantly gnawing on a used tampon. How gross...I took it away from her and shut the bathroom door and now she's whining as though there's a squirrel that she'd like to chase but the glass prevents her.  Then, she tried to instigate a cat chase which I yelled at her for and she looked at me with such sad, innocently guilty brown eyes, like she's saying "What? I was bored...and the cat RAN...of COURSE I chased her! It was all that trollop of a cat's fault, not mine."  At least Jon is off work tomorrow, the dogs can go out and play as long as they like instead of being on "our" crazy schedule where they get to be out in the morning, then inside alllllll day (I am quite sure 8-10 hours is FOREVER to a dog) then go back outside until Emma decides she needs to bark at 10 pm, which our neighbors, I am sure, do NOT appreciate and I let them back inside.

      Doggles, as seen here, has been remarkably good lately. I haven't come home to discover wayward chewing of my things in a couple of weeks.  Good for him...and me...I really don't enjoy splicing things or cleaning up foam from the couch.  He is now curled up against me on the couch while Emma sleeps at the other end, and Moose, my fluffy cat, is curled up against my other side.  All the things need attention all at the same time. The only ones missing: my bunny, Vincent, who is safely in his room, and the Fat Kitty, who is probaby under the bed after being chased by Emma earlier.  She only surfaces once in a while and mostly for food and sometimes for attention, and she's picky about who pets her.  It took Jon months of living with me to get that cat to trust him enough to allow him to even touch her.  She's odder than most.

      Jon, seen here during the summer with my old pal Bean, is predictably at Levon's house. I am about to call him and bother him to come home.  How freaky--my curtains are moving and my furnace isn't even running.  I either have a draft from hell all of a sudden, or my "ghostie" is wandering about again.  Yes, we have a ghost in our house.  He's harmless...and yes, I am sure its a "he."  I have seen and heard all kinds of things, none of them threatening.  And, no, I'm not scared.  I've had many dealings with the unexplained in my life and I've always seen and heard things that most other people do not. Am I some sort of strange psychic? No.  I think I just pay attention.  Lately, I even seen the "ghostie" of the New Hudson TSC. And, yes, we DO have a ghostie at the TSC.  It makes noises when we've overstayed our welcome at night.  The night crew seems to be its main targets...always harmless, but obvious it wants us to leave by a certain time.  Cheryl, our reciever has seen it wandering the hall by the break room, restrooms, the office, and her desk.  I saw it in the office one night while we were counting the tills.  And YAY!!! Jon is home!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My hormones talk, I think

  It doesn't often happen, but I am puzzled as to what course of action I should take.

    My check engine light continues to stay on, sigh, and I should have it checked out.  However, this is the pay period with the big bills and not much money left over so I don't know what to do if the guys are all like, uh, you need a HUGE EXPENSIVE THINGY!!!!  Besides the "hey, you still need a new timing chain" yeah, I know...its like over a thousand dollars that I find impossible to save but not for lack of trying. We need so many things. 
      Jon literally has two pairs of underwear and I have one pair of pants.  While I do tend to buy clothes at places like the Salvation Army I am increasingly disgusted by the number of Cadillac and Lexus owners who apparently buy everything worth taking that might be of use to someone with less money.  I think they should request to view pay stubs before allowing admittance. Sorry, if you can drive a Lexus and still manage to eat and make house payments, then you don't need to shop there.
     So I suppose I should bite the bullet and ask to borrow money from my parents, which I really really don't want to do.  I'm an adult, and I don't want to run crying to Mom because I can't cough up 1200 bucks to maintain my car, but looks like I'm going to have to do just that.  In the summer, this wouldn't  be as much of an issue, but of course, I saw damned snowflakes today and that means the furnace must eat gas. 
      Also I want Jon to have a Jeep.  Yes, I do.  I am tired of running his butt around and the extra mileage on my car. It won't save any gas but I will be a happier me and Jon will be a happier he.  He is tired of relying on a combination of me and his parents to get him to and from work because of car sharing.  I thought he wanted to sell his old Fender on Ebay to help with this but he says he worries that if he does that, then he has nothing really valuable left to sell if we get in a bad spot.  So, who knows?  It's his and therefore, it is up to him.  And its not bad logic.  He'd have would have had to sell it if he hadn't gotten hired at Burger King by now.
     Maybe TSC will spit out the tax forms early this coming January. That'd be nice.  That $1000 was really handy last spring what with car insurance being due and Jon not working. Of course we file jointly now and I have no idea when Jon would get his form.
       Jon is having small panic attacks daily.  His district manager is working all shifts for two weeks.  This is day three.  He is soooo worried about getting fired that I don't even know what that would do to his mental health at this point.  He says the best thing about working is not sitting around wondering what he's going to do all day and how we are going to eat...but the worst thing is the fear that that could be taken away.  And, of course, he tells me corporate is coming in tomorrow to fix something and if  you look at them funny or do something wrong, you're history.  I tend to think he's over reacting, but I've never worked at a job in fast food so I can't argue effectively.  So we shall see how all of this goes.
     Thanksgiving is next week. How....odd.  I don't feel like a holiday is imminent.  I have no plans. I imagine I shall wait for Jon to get home from work. He still doesn't have a schedule for next week.
     Hmmm....someone is outside...probably looking for Jon, who is at work. Yep. Dave.  While I like most of Jon's friends, sometimes I get tired of seeing them.  Oh, its not that they are rude or refuse to leave, nothing like that, but could we just have a day when Dave, Levon, or Shane can just pretend we don't exist?  I'm sure we actually do have those days, once or twice a week...seems like it should be more often. I dunno...maybe since I am rarely at home I value my time there more highly than I should.  Or, well, I don't mind as much if I am drinking, because I rarely have much to say to any of these fellows because they are playing Magic, mostly, or jabbering relentlessly about Call of Duty and frankly I am bored...and if its a subject on which I am not bored, then I apparently have such odd points of view (especially concerning religion)  that I can too easily offend. I am blunt but I have never insulted anyone's religion.  I have friends of many religions so I don't understand why talking about this subject should be taboo.  To me, its like saying "I like nachos."  and then someone disagreeing and saying "I don't like nachos."  And yet another person saying, "Nachos are good with green pepper...."  Meh, I guess I'm weird.

     I am rambling. I am sure this is PMS, but as always, unless it hits me in the head, I don't really know.  I am restless and emotional for no particular reason.  I want vodka and Pepsi...yes, in that order.  It is winter and I become a seasonal drinker.  I drink to be warm and to combat stress from horrible holiday shoppers.  No, I don't mix the two, I sort of do something awful and chug the vodka directly from the bottle then chase it with a sip of Pepsi...Jon used to shake his head at me and say this was so horrible and that I was going to become an alcoholic, this was years ago. Now, he says, hell, if the bills are all paid and we have food and gas, go ahead and buy the vodka!  I think he realizes that I really do limit myself even if it doesn't seem like I do. I rarely am hungover despite drinking a fifth in three days.  I would be too whiny at work if I were hungover.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Vincent the Bunny and Horse Pee Man

    Vincent the Bunny has somehow decided he can magically jump two feet into the air onto Jon's old toy box and look out the window.  At least that's where he was this morning when I heard noises and went to check on him. I guess that's a hint: Vincent needs a ramp because he wants to look out the window and watch dogs frolic around the backyard:)  I am off tomorrow, I can figure something out then.  I put him back onto the floor in case he couldn't get back down, but somehow I am certain he has done this before.  He's a funny little floofle, quite entertaining, actually.

     Work was weird yesterday.  The guys were all "Squeee!!!!!" and I couldn't figure out why and then Jason started yapping like a teenage girl to this one guy and I'm still, ???? Why are you ALL going "SQEEE!!!!"  They finally clued me in...apparently the Tiger's third baseman was in our store shopping. They told me his name but I'd never heard of him and promptly forgot it.  Just out of curiosity I looked him up online. Brandon Inge...or something.  He was a small guy, about the size of Ruth's husband, Joe, and the most polite person I rang up all day. Really.   He bought 450 dollars worth of Carhartt clothing and boots and left.  The guys were still going "SQUUEEEEE!"  Nice to know one of the guys who makes an absurd amount of money a year is actually polite to people who work in stores.

       I had a couple really nasty customers yesterday.  My favorite is was the one who screamed "ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE WORKING IN THIS STORE?"  Nope, there's two of us at the moment, our third is at lunch, I replied. I paged Jason.  Apparently the rude horrid man wanted to buy horse pee!!!!  He seemed to believe horse pee keeps racoons at bay because someone told him so.  I think he was being an ass to someone and they were messing with him.  I told him he'd have to find someone who has horses and get some pee from them if he wanted an answer.  But, no apparently, he didn't like that idea and thinks somehow, that horse pee comes pre-bottled from some weird company that makes their money bottling horse pee. Last I checked, horses are not natural predators for racoons.  The only natural predator for racoons that I've ever known is my grandfather.  He'd kill hundreds of them during coon season and sell their pelts.

   The very next customer was nice and shaking his  head over horse pee customer's rudeness. He was very sweet.  He said he couldn't believe how that guy acted.  I think there should be a rudeness surcharge and it should go straight into my wallet.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The game of life

    The children of my neighbor who died are going to sell his house. Yep.  I know this because a concrete leveling crew has been outside all morning working on his driveway.  I am not happy about this; I was quite fond of the nice old man who knew everyone else's business while appearing, at least, to mind  his own.  He never once called the cops on us for illegal bonfires or general rowdiness, or because the dogs were barking.  So this is not good news. We could get saddled with some real stinkers  such as people with horribly annoying children, in which case, the backyard will be totally dead to me.  Which is sad because I like being outside.  On the bright side, maybe they won't be able to sell it.  But there is no way I can get out of my mortgage since we have too many broken things to fix ourselves and little capital.
     I am off work for three whole days.  What shall I do? No idea.  I think I am going to saunter outside in a bit and work on my leaves. They are mostly all down now.  I haven't had time to deal with them.  So I think I shall chew them all up into mulch.  My neighbors all do that "town thing" where they rake the leaves, then laboriously shove them into giant paper bags, then let them sit until trash day for the guys in the landscape trash truck to pick up and hope that it doesn't rain and turn the bags into mush.  I did that one year. Never EVER again.  What a mess, and what a lot of work.  So much easier to mulch the leaves up then use them as compost.
   Jon has the car, so no excitement there, as he has to work two of the days I am off.  And Ruth went to visit her family, which is awesome for her.  I kind of wish I could have tagged along, but then again, I am not privy to the arrangements and don't want to be an inconvenience. I would, however, like to go to the UP with Ruth someday.  So I shall see Ruth probably on Tuesday when Jon is always scheduled to work 2 hours before I am so I use Ruth's house as a kind of crash pad and we visit, which is soooooo nice.
    I got paid so I bought doggie vittles and kitty/bunny litter and booze.  Yep. A whole fifth of blueberry vodka just for me.  I drank a bit last night. Winter and crazy holiday customers always set me to drinking.  I hate being cold and I also hate feeling annoyed.  Booze helps. Now if we only could take to sipping from flasks at work, I wouldn't feel like I should bash customers in the head with the ITEM OF THE MONTH....ugh.  No wonder those ucky shopping mall Santas always seem to smell of whiskey.  If I got peed on, kicked, drooled on, screamed at and etc. by people's brat kids, I'd drink heavily allllll day long.  Brat kids are an epidemic in this nation. My parents NEVER let me act like the average kid today.  Scream in a store?  NEVER!!!!  That just meant you left the store and went home and no more fun.
    Dogs are still itchy from fleas.  I bought the drops and all animals (except bunny who doesn't seem particularly susceptible to fleas) are treated and I thoroughly vacuumed/washed things and even put salt under the bed, on the dog beds, and on the couches and such but new fleas are hatching. How do I know they are new fleas, you ask? They are ever so much tinier than their predecessors.  So I guess I am making some progress, its just slow.  So I imagine another vacuum,wash and salt day is in my future.
    My Aunt Nita invited me to Turkey Day at her place.  Man, I really would love to go. I hate retail.  I HAVE to work Black Friday, no exceptions.  Wouldn't be so much of an issue if I didn't live 5 hours away. Five hours doesn't sound like much until you pile into a car for 5 hours, eat dinner, then pile into a car for another five hours then go to work.  Plus, I imagine Jon will be working. Maybe we can arrange something with Ruth and Joe again.   I have it easy though, Ruth drives something like 12 hours to see her way. 
    I should get dressed. I have been lounging in pajamas for three hours or so now.  Stupid sinus headache woke me up early.  House is a shambles as well...amazing how dirty it gets when we're only home to sleep and leave again.  It's Jon's turn to do the dishes, which means, of course, they are ALL dirty.  I  like to do them more often when there are less of them.  He likes to let them pile so it takes an hour or more.  Oh well, I'm not doing them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


     There must be something in the air today, or in the stars...something in the universe seems bent on sending annoying, aggravated, and aggravating people my way.  All day.  The customers were incessantly cranky, stupid to the point of me wanting to ask several if they had some sort of disability that causes them to ask which register is open even though the other register is covered with junk I'm assembling,  then calling to ask if we can ring them up a bag of rolled oats (even though we closed 15 minutes before) then PUT ME ON HOLD when I tell them the price and decide that, no, their horse doesn't need to eat grain after all.  To hell with Lorien for answering the phone after 8 anyway.  I'd think she'd know better by now.
     Then I drive home thinking I am driving on one headlight.
     I pick up Jon.  He is also cranky. Great.  Just what I need. One more Crankster.
     I check to see if my headlight really is only just one headlight. It is.  I tell him its the one I already changed.  He freaks out and says I did so improperly and that is why its gone out already. Um....sorry, I changed the headlight. There is really only one way that entire assembly fits in there.  Don't second guess me. Maybe it was just a crappy bulb?  I mean, it has been in there for a whole year now.  And its not like I don't have another bulb just sitting around waiting (I bought two) for one to go out.  No big deal. Why act like it is?  Bulbs go out. Shit happens.  I can fix it again.  I'm not a total moron.  I guess I should just keep my mouth shut and fix things without telling him. Wonder if he'd notice?
     He hasn't noticed that the dogs ate the wired antenna for the tv yet. Despite deciding to check if it was unplugged last night...and plugging it in and having little to no result to the positive.  Oh, guess I should fix that now, while he's out.  I hate that, though.  Hiding little stupid things so I don't have to deal with other people's crankiness...seems wrong somehow.