Sunday, November 9, 2014

Jeep Tossing

Jon's Jeep got tossed again probably by some crack head.  Unless this guy/gal has a thing for spare oil, transmission fluid, or antifreeze, I don't know why they bother.  All doors but the driver door lock, which doesn't lock because someone side swiped this particular Jeep sometime before we bought it so it just won't lock.  I mean we KNOW it doesn't lock which means we KNOW not to keep things of value inside. 

I guess that makes this a RETARDED crackhead.

Which leads me to another issue.  I am a member of a web group. Another member was venting about someone (an adult) referring to her child as retarded. Oh, not in front of the kid and not even in person, over the web.  So the kid has no idea this has even been said, and, as such is not injured. 

The definition of the word RETARDED is someone or some thing that is physically, emotionally, or mentally stunted due to genetics or environmental factors.  Ummmm?  How exactly is that offensive?  It's like calling me brown eyed. Yup. I am.  So?

I find the argument moot and laugh all the way through the comments.  Maybe the kid IS retarded. So?  So what?  Maybe the kid isn't retarded.  So? 

The use of the word  "special" as a replacement for retarded is much more offensive because it hints at sarcasm, not actual fact. 

In other, more depressing news, Jon's first dog, Bear is dying due to renal failure. He may have gone by now. He was doing terribly at around noon.  Poor old man.  Fifteen is a long life, Bear. We all love you.  He had been to the vet on Friday and they prescribed some meds and put his odds at 50-50.  Today, he wouldn't move other than to turn his head to look at Jon.  He can't keep water down.  Poor guy.  I guess they were waiting to take him to their usual vet tomorrow if he makes it to have him put down.  I don't think he'll make it, but the amount of suffering in this world and the amount any one living being can live through is amazing so I could be wrong.

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