Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cell Phone Commits Suicide (Among Other Things)

The "adventures" of last week.

Tossed cell phone in washing machine (it had apparently decided to go for a swim). However, it never did dry out properly and fried itself in protest when I turned it on to try and call someone, deep sixing all known phone numbers as its final act of revenge. 

Jon's "new" phone he bought off of Ebay from some less than stellar human being had been refurbished, and the charging port ended up no longer able to charge so...he left an email for the seller and they have decided to return our money and include return shipping in the refund.  No fight, no discussion.  Turns out that particular scumbag has had this happen in the past. 

Thus, we were phone-less most of the week, which, because we only have one car created some logistical issues about who was picking whom up when.

Investigated many cell plans.  Decided, not surprisingly, on the cheapest.  Ended up with Metro.  It will be okay, I think.  We don't travel that often as we don't have the funds.  Two phones, I got the smallest "free after rebate" smart phone I could get as it needs to be in my pocket...and Jon got a larger one.  So...$49 bucks a piece for two new phones (actually new)  that will be refunded once I mail in the contract, got to keep my old number (nice because I finally, after 4 years remember it) and am rid of Verizon...who has somehow decided it is okay to charge people $60 a month for a single was considering keep them just so Jon could have a Metro and use all the text and data and stuff and I would have better coverage until I found out what highway robbers they are.  Our bill with Metro will end up being the same as our Verizon bill was and with more things, and no overages.  So that's nice. I can text. And people can text me.  I probably will owe Verizon some money, shouldn't be much. I think we ended at the very end of the billing cycle.  And I never renewed our contract...we've been out of contract for....2 years?  Something like that.  They kept sending me "get a new phone!" propaganda in the mail.

It was an expensive trip to the phone store, though.  Two phones, two cases, two insurances...(just until we see how we end up doing with the big glass screens...and then we can cancel just can't add it later.)  The guy was super nice and gave us 35% off on cases and such...and told us we can cancel the insurance if we want and that my plan can be lowered since I won't be using so much data as Jon (who gets bored at work and will be using lots) but that for the rebate just for this first bill the plan needed to be higher.  So in the end, to save $50 I had to spend an extra $10...and yeah, I want that $40 difference.  Plus taxes.  Whatever.  I have a phone that works, and since we are driving a potential mechanical breakdown, I kind of need a phone.

Otherwise, the sun is finally out today!  After all this rain lately I'm so ready for there to not be rain. Unloading trucks in the rain sucks donkey dick.  Wouldn't be so awful but its also been fairly chilly, as in, I've relented and turned the furnace back to the "on" position at night. 

I planted all the clearance tulip and iris bulbs I bought at TSC after the ground had already frozen to concrete last fall. $1 a bag for 6 bulbs in a bag.  Even if some of them don't survive, a good deal.

This morning I did a load of laundry and am lazing around wondering why that fan I bought at Meijer doesn't actually move any air. I can fart harder than it blows.  I guess I'm not supposed to be using it to dry laundry, but since its cold out and I don't have a dryer, that's what's happening.

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