So I got kind of a wild hare and put some Manic Panic Ultra Violet highly diluted with my regular conditioner on my hair to get rid of that brassy yellow it was heading (oh, and because I wanted to not so secretly dye it purple) and it made purple streaks amid silvery hair which I quite liked.
So today, probably due to resentment from the work dress code that says no unnaturally dyed hair and due to the fact I have purple dye and due to the fact I have been drinking rum; I decided to do it again.
OOPS: (well, that is what I'll say if it comes up at work) I realize it will fade and I'd go for more purple...but it's still at the could have been an accident stage so I won't just now.
Also I get to look like a dolt (and that's always fun) because I just now lack the patience to retake the photo. Yes, I dyed my brows and I'm wearing NO makeup in this photo and am in the first. Also the lighting is drastically different, but I like that purple...and silver.
I hope my hair goes this pretty silver in about 20 years...but, if not, I now know how to acquire it artificially.
Also I feel that my boss lacks the balls to fire me over this since I am competent and he so far lacks the balls to get rid of an incompetent ASM. Or to even say anything to aforementioned ASM.
I can always wear a hat to cover my offensive locks. One of my coworkers has visible tattoos and another has loads of extra piercings so why should I be singled out? Those things are also against corporate dress code.
Love it!