Friday, June 21, 2013

This thing

Liebster Awards?

Meh...I'm not super stoked possibly because I don't even follow eleven whole blogs due to the fact that ones I seem to come across are about parenting and ask  questions at the end such as "what do your kids like to eat?" or running which is difficult and boring...the difficulty I admire, its the boring I can never get past...even while running...I just think "I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored and sweaty this is pointless, I've always been fat anyway....bored....." or I find blogs difficult to relate to for some other very inane reason.  So usually, if I am reading a blog it is either interesting to me because it is about animals, or something about which I know very little but am fascinated by like living off the grid, or its amusing/funny to me in some way, or I just really enjoy the writing style or the writer.

But I was nominated by an amazing person on an unusually shitty day...and here she is: If she and I were both lesbians, we'd likely be inseparable

Liebster Rules (Or whatever, reminds me of a chain letter)

HOW TO ACCEPT THE AWARD:  The Liebster Blog Award is a way to recognize blogs who have less than 200 followers. Liebser is a German word that means beloved and valued. Here are the rules for accepting the award.

1.  Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog
2.  List 11 random facts about yourself
3.  Answer the 11 questions given to you
4.  Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate
5.  Choose blogs with 200 or fewer followers to nominate and include links to their blogs
6.  Go to each blogger's page and let them know you have nominated them  


1.  My boobs seem to keep growing exponentially.  I'm not certain if this is or is not disturbing.  I seem to recall older family members remarking on this phenomenon...ummm....and no, I've never if I end up with some remarkably saggy FFs I'm going to blame genetics.

2.  I  am terrible at small talk.  I don't talk to strangers because I somehow automatically hate them, its more like I have nothing to say and could care less about asking how the weather is...or have absolutely NO interest in the subject being discussed.  This happens constantly.  My husband hates taking me places where I don't know anyone because of it and is embarrassed that his friends believe I hate them just because I have nothing to say...kudos to Shane, Dave, and Levon, though, Shane talks enough for 10 people, Dave is very quiet except when engaged in an interesting subject and Levon is just intuitive...a LOT like me.  Doesn't take silence personally.

3. I probably eat my weight in cheese every year.  Good cheese is my crack. 

4.  I rarely do anything just for myself.  Sometimes, but rarely.

5.  I feel like an idiot for helping Jon junk a car with a running was a 1996 and an axle was on its last legs, but she RAN!!!!!  I am aware that this is the redneck in me.  Way too expensive to replace an axel...but the motor ran!!!!!

6.  I find this to be difficult. There isn't that much to know.

7.  I wish the Pontiac junker in the driveway would start when I turned the key because the idiot neighbor with his obnoxious Harley Davidson is revving it up again for no reason...I want to go rev the damn Pontiac with the broken muffler in time with his revving...the damn Pontiac is louder!

8.  I still wonder why a Fox 2 news crew was talking to the neighbor.

9.  My rabbit is named after President Camacho in the movie Idiocracy.

10,  I use red ink at work now all the time. The 9 year old girl inside me finds this very gratifying since she used to get yelled at by her teachers for doing just that on her homework.

11.  Bright, very saturated colors are my favorite.


1.  If you could ride any horse (living or dead) who would you pick?

My old horse Flash, of course.  She was my friend even if she was quirky, bitchy and full of herself...I was very sad recently to learn that she had died.

 2. Who are your role models and why? 

I don't remember ever having a role model.  Just seems silly and strange to want to model your life after someone else.  It doesn't work that way.  Even if two identical people were possible, circumstances would make their lives work out differently. Just seems odd.

 3. if you didn't have animals what would you do with all the extra money?

Probably invest in some animals.  I can't even imagine this.  My family has always had animals.

 4.  what is your favorite flavor of icecream? 

French Vanilla

 5. What motivates you when you feel like giving up? 

 Anger, usually. I get angry at myself for being an idiot and just keep going.

 6.What is your favorite equine sport and why? 

Never cared about that. I just rode for fun, I still don't like organized sports of any kind.

 7. If money was no object, what would you do differently? 
Sure as hell wouldn't be living in Redford and working too hard just to make $10 an hour.

 8. do you think nutrition makes a difference in equine attitude? 

Nutrition makes a difference in any animal's attitude.

 9. Favorite horse name? 

 FarCall...(never saw this spelled out but it sounds just like this) No idea what it means or why my Mom's family had a horse called this.

 10. describe your dream horse 

Gypsy Vanner with attached handsome groom
 11. if you could travel in time, what advice would you give beginner you?

 Color outside the lines its more fun.

Patti's Padded Room 

I really think they are both non active in blogging these days and one of the blogs I read nominated me, and the other has over 200 readers.

See? I told you I suck at finding good blogs. I guess I don't try very hard.


1.  Why exactly does corporate America so fear internet and the media in general?  If they are so ethical and humane and HONEST can't they take some of that good old freedom of the press/freedom of speech?  Shouldn't they WELCOME criticism and WORK to CHANGE things for the better?  Such is the state of America.  Nope. Fuck over the poor, they're too broke to complain.

2.  Why do so many douche canoes drive mini vans?

3.  Why do Americans feel so entitled to things that no other people in the developed world feel entitled to?

4.   I have lost interest in questions.

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