Monday, December 3, 2012

Neighbors and Religious Zealots

I have new neighbors.

Yes, I know, uck.

Especially when my previous neighbor was a nice octogenarian whose most annoying attribute was that he seemed to constantly be raking and maintaining his yard because he had lots of time on his hands. He was quiet and never once complained that we were making noise, kept to himself, mostly, but was pleasant, well mannered and interesting.  So Jon and I were both sad when we realized he had died.

So far the Replacement Neighbors are fairly quiet and keep to themselves....if I ignore the bit where they tried to convert the neighborhood to whatever religion they practice.  Yep. Knocking on doors with literature. Sorry. Go away. If you want to come over and knock on my door, then fine. Introduce yourselves and say hello...don't try make me a part of your religious quota.

And yes, The Replacements have three cars with a large two car garage and yet, none of the cars manage to park in the garage. Weird, but I really don't care that much about that. What DOES annoy me is The Replacements are constantly turning around at the end of MY driveway when turning around in their OWN driveway should be sufficient since only one vehicle parks in the driveway so they have plenty of space in which to turn.

So I have been parking lengthwise across the driveway behind Jon's Jeep. Yes, that's right. NO ONE is parking in my driveway, not even ME because I am irritated that The Replacements don't want to maintain their own driveway to the point that they have decided they can only turn around in mine.  I bet The Replacements won't get the hint...but hey, its that or I make my own tire spikes from a two by four and some 6 inch spikes...and that's really inconvenient because I'd have to move it every time I left the house or arrived home. 

An automatic gate would really be ideal...but I don't have the money for that, and would definitely take the gate and the opener with me if I ever manage to move away from the too many people.


Jon stopped to help a man in a disabled vehicle that was blocking a busy stretch of Beech Daly yesterday.  The man immediately asked him if he was a Christian. Jon said "No."  The man then, while fiddling with his battery cable, proceeded to ask "Do you know Jesus is the Savior?" Why not a simple, "thank you for stopping to help"?  The car started, it WAS a loose battery cable, but why not just thank someone for offering assistance instead of asking about religion?  People are so weird.


All I can get out of all the crazy zealots lately is that Jon and I must look like we are going to hell. Ah, oh well. At least we try to be good people and not be hypocrites.  Also, if we are required to convert a certain number of people to make it into heaven, maybe we don't want to go there anyway. I have enough quotas and standards at work to need them in my afterlife.

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