Sunday, October 23, 2011


      After being ridiculously busy toting people back and forth to work, ucky weather,  and the drain sporadically deciding not to work, I have two days off!  So far, I have done a whole lot of nothing, such as surf the web, oogle pictures of my friend's newly acquired hedgehog, Luna, who I have yet to meet, and give the dogs a bath.  Both are itchy. I don't know if I still have a few remaining fleas or not, and to my dismay, I spent last night at one of Jon's friends' and he has a riotous amount of fleas.  I think I may buy some of the diatomaceous earth we sell (it's food grade so not harmful to people or animals) and sprinkle it on the carpets.  It is supposed to kill fleas by sucking all the moisture out of their exoskeletons...which sounds much more pleasant than applying Frontline to four animals...and also, less expensive.  Then, if I am feeling quite generous, I shall give some to Levon.  I resent the fact that I can eradicate the fleas at my house then unwittingly drag them home from another person's house. I thought Levon had his dog's fleas under control.  Apparently not.  Doggles appears to just have dandruff, but he is such a slick black color, its very difficult to locate a flea.  Running a flea comb over them didn't turn up any, but that doesn't mean I don't have them living in my carpet because they hatched/came from Levon's or whatever. I hate the buggers.
     The weather today is lovely.  I should go deal with leaves but there are still millions yet to fall, so I could care less. I'll just enjoy the sunshine.  The trees in our  yard have barely started to turn colors.  However, trees in our neighbors' yards are now shedding.
     I am besotted with an expensive pair of boots and am still plotting to get them as soon as other, more immediate issues iron out.  Jon needs a car so I am home more, less tired, and neither of us have to wait an hour or more before we can clock in at work....or wait to be picked up after work.  My car needs things...some more immediate than others and to be taken care of tomorrow, I suppose, as long as the mechanic can fit us in.  Our drain magically decided to drain one night...and now we can use water again.  I really think the guy is just punching a hole in a large clog thus it clogs easily when we flush....and I also am thinking we should just run vast amounts of water after one of us poos.  That might help.  Realistically we should call Roto Rooter and let them camera the pipe, then clean it...its just $200 we need to spend on the car/other things. At least I think it would be upwards of $200.
      I am so glad Jon is working 40 hours a week.  I just wish he didn't have major issues with someone he works with.  This guy says when he becomes a manager, the first thing he is going to do is fire Jon.  But, before he can become that high of a manager, he has to aspire to bullshit and won't be doing any firing.  Jon convinced one of the actual managers to let him look at the guy's full name and  home address in the computer. He is plotting his revenge...such as signing him up for loads of gay porn magazines.  Apparently he's quite religious and lives with his grandma...that should go over pretty well. Jon has been in  a great mood for the past two days because of this.  Just remember, folks, not to harass the people you work with...karma will help them find a way to get even.  I often wonder why so many people calling themselves "Christians" are such horrible human beings, the more strict their belief system the more horrible.    I think they should more ardently study that  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" platitude.  Yep. What goes around comes around, and payback is a bitch.
    I read a magazine at work the other day and was highly annoyed with several writings which were religion based.  I'm sorry, but what the hell does religion have to do with homesteading, planting a garden, and raising animals?  I had thought about subscribing to this thing until I read those writings.  I realize it was other readers writing to "instruct" other readers, but please don't preach to me, I'll continue to decide things for myself.  I think the editors should have been more aggressive.  So to the editors of "Country Side"  this is the 21st  Century, your readers are no longer predominately Christian and do not care to read about the religious exploits, dogmas, or propaganda of contributors.  I have nothing against Christians in particular, or about researching other religions, but please don't allow contributors to turn "How to Shear a Sheep" into "How my Christianity Makes me a Better Person" it is completely irrelevant.  I am not going to become a convert this way.


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