Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dogs Don't Mind the Wind

    The horrible wind monster is blowing, and not because of any visible storm.  I think it is because it is Mid-October and the Zephyrs are reminding us that we don't always get nice pleasant warm breezes, which we would all be happy to accept.  It is windy enough to remind me that I should be looking for a tree saw so that I can rid a few of my trees of some dead branches. 
     The dogs don't seem to mind at all.  They have been carousing in the backyard on and off all day...the offs being marked by Emma, whom once she gets into a barking fit, doesn't easily come out of a barking fit...then I get tired of hearing "bark bark bark, bark bark bark" and let her in.  I think she is saying "STRANGER DANGER!"

     A big dead limb just fell outside the window. Good thing I have a brush pile.  One day I will burn it again, once it isn't so windy and when I don't think the neighbors will call the cops; they haven't yet.  There is no way the city would dispose of the amount of limbs I get from these four huge trees. I love the trees, reminds me of home.

      The toilet water was swishing around in the bowl, which made me all nervous, usually when it does that the drain is going to be evil and spew evil onto the floor...but I noticed it was doing that even when I wasn't running water so that can't be it.  So I looked it up online. Apparently something about the roof stack and magic and physics combine to make the toilet water dance when its especially windy.  My parent's toilets never did that, I don't think, but I could be wrong.  I wasn't as obsessed with the magic plumbing elves at their house, everything worked okay and no concentrated evil ever ended up on the floor.

     I usually don't mind the wind, but this time I'm not thrilled.  Can't it just be warm at least until January?  The furnace is running plenty, please, this is cold, we had the loooongest winter on record last year.  The weather didn't break until late April, it seems...and I do believe I was still running the furnace nearly all the way to the end of May. Ridiculous.

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