Saturday, October 8, 2011

Of Paper Towels and Fabric Softener

    Plumbing issues continue and I wash my hands of it.  Jon will deal with the drain guy on Monday. I am disgusted that I can't flush my own toilet every time we use it and such.  We've been showering with a wet towel over the drain so that the water drains very very slowly or not at all...its all very gross.  Jon did our laundry at his mom's house because I was wearing the same jeans for five days. Yep. Gross.  Yes, I do need to buy more jeans.  But hey, when you're used to living on $1100 a month for months and months and months you learn to do without things like lots of jeans and paper towels.
     The first things I bought when Jon got a  full check: paper towels, an extra bottle of shampoo, extra toilet paper, and (something I haven't bought since last January) fabric softener. learn really quickly what constitutes a luxury and what isn't; having no static and soft clothes is definitely a luxury when ten dollars can be better spent on food.
     Jon has been fairly discouraged that its taken us so long to catch up despite him working 40 hours.  I had to explain to him that he's only gotten two full checks  and one partial...and that the last pay period my entire check was swallowed by the mortgage and DTE and he paid for alllllll the gas, and other things like food. Incredibly, even though he complained a lot, I don't think he truly understood that when I used to tell him we have X amount of dollars for two weeks, usually some horrible amount like 100 dollars...just how impossible a situation that can be. So I think he understands now.  Things are getting much better other than the plumbing.  My mom gifted us with a check for our one year anniversary and I am going to cash it then pay off the car insurance in full, I think.  Wasn't expecting that extra boost.  Yep. Two hundred dollars is still a lot of money to me.
      I need to get cracking on buying plastic for the windows, rubber for under the doors, caulking that annoying little wind whistle in the window room, and putting plexi back in the back door.  It's been windowless for quite a while since the day Jon forgot his keys and broke into our house. The neighbors, being reasonable people, apparently called the cops on him and he produced an ID with this address on it, so it turned out okay. So its been taped over with plastic for a long ass time. Which is okay except for when it gets cold.  We actually should invest in scads of insulation for our attic, I think.  This house holds the cold sooooo well and takes forever to feel warm.
   I am on vacation now, which is nice.  I'm sure I am going to get bored at some point. This is just my first day. I have no car, of course, Jon has it, but he's off for the next couple of days and maybe I'll be able to do laundry or even the dishes without the drain backing up into my house. Wouldn't that be a miracle?  Or even, have Ruth and Joe over for dinner, or go to Ruth and Joe's....or anything. Sounds homey.  Wish our oven worked.  Should have someone look at it.  It's probably some simple part that needs replacing, I am just not that handy.  Wish my dad lived closer, he'd know, most likely...not that I expect him to fix it, I just expect him to help ME fix it.
   I got paid yesterday, then I paid all the bills, bought dog food, rabbit food, and such and still have $300 almost think I'm rich.  Jon gets paid on Monday.  I think we are going to invest in a Jeep...gas will be high, but I'd love to not have to rely so much on  Jon's parents when our hours are not copacetic.  Also, I've love to go do things while Jon has the car and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

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