Wednesday, June 22, 2011


     Waiting stinks. I know, I am currently waiting.  Jon talked to mechanic guy yesterday. Mechanic guy assured him that yes, he can check all the trans fluids in a sealed transmission and get us on the road to Ohio by tonight so I can go to a funeral in the morning, so far, no love. He's had said car since 8 am.  But I am eager to get on the road considering I loathe all rush hours and somehow imagine this will all be timed just right to get me into Toledo during the evening rush.  I just hope nothing is wrong and its fine...which is what we're paying the guy to tell us, really.  No fried transmissions, please.
    I did manage to benefit from waking up at the ass crack of 8 am to deal with the car, Jon called while driving and said there is an old, sweet window in the trash not even a block from our house. I walked over and grabbed it before the garbage men could steal such a thing and throw it into a landfill. No idea what I'm going to do with it as yet, but old windows are cool things. I am sleepy, however, despite drinking quite bad bad corn syrup loaded with caffeine to pollute a small pond.
       My friend Ruth introduced me to the word combination "douche canoe" and I cannot stop saying it, its just too fun.   Cut me off in traffic, I shall proudly yell, "DOUCHE CANOE!" at a mini van, you are automatically a douche canoe.
       Handsome Mr. Vincent received a nail trimming. He was not impressed and scratched me. Then he settled down and let me trim them, deciding that yes, indeed it was worth a yummy treat.  He's such a spoiled bunny, but he's so full of personality and happiness that its infectious, which is exactly what animals are for, to cheer us up.
      Jon's parents left me a nice birthday card, despite the fact that my birthday isn't until the 2nd, and it had some tasty cash inside it, which is nice considering this unexpected trip to Ohio before my vacation to Ohio.  Meaning, I have to come back to Michigan, work 3 days, clean bunny cage and kitty litters and purchase new tags for my license plates before heading back to is weird.

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