Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vincent in the Morning

     Vincent rules the world with the his tiny little cute nose and floofy fur. I kid you not, tiny bunny, weighing in at less than five pounds got me out of bed at 6 this morning. A feat, I tell you!  Scrambling and scratching and trying in vain to do zoomies in his tiny little cage which Jon had moved when it got horribly hot yesterday to the top of my dresser in the blessed sanctuary of an air conditioned bedroom.  Bunnies do not understand about sleeping in, bunnies want to zoom when bunnies want to zoom! Bunnies, however DO like air conditioning.
      It is cooler now, as my allergies attacked when I tried to lie back down to go to sleep after taking Vincent to his room so he could zoom about to his little heart's content. So, I caved and got up. And am at Vincent's mercy as he demands that his nose be scratched and his ears rubbed as he alternately zooms around the room. I'm sure he'd appreciate it if I were to venture out and pick some tasty dandelions and grass for him, but so far, I haven't had the drive.
     He is a good bunny for all his conquering the world with his cuteness. He's begun to poo as well as pee in his litter pan. Ah, clever rabbit, how I envy your hyperactivity with no need for caffeine.  

                        Just in case you're wondering, THIS is what I'm up against:

1 comment:

  1. You got some good pictures of him, he is cute enough to rule the world. So glad you love him :)
