Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

This was a three day weekend for me, because I'm lucky and my employer is cheap and doesn't want to pay me time and a half to work a holiday.

Not too much happened.  I broke my insomniac streak of three days on about seven hours sleep which is pretty miserable and if I had a choice, I'd rather not do anything of the sort again. But, I don't have a choice and this type of thing has happened to me on and off throughout my life.

Jon and I drove around yesterday, went to thrift stores, an antique store, and had yummy Indian food at our favorite place as I laughed at stupid things because I was slap happy from actually having slept, but had not yet slept enough.  Then we had slurpees, watched some Netflix and off to bed.

Today, Jon has been over at his parent's garage working on his Jeep all day. I have been ripping up the blue carpet Doggles chewed on and peed on as a puppy. My now geriatric cat also occasionally has accidents on the carpet and since she seems to have a bit of dementia and sometimes doesn't seem to realize where she is, the carpet smells not so fresh, let's say.  Anyone who has tried to rid something of a cat pee smell will sympathize. If you can find the spot, vinegar helps immensely.  However, carpet with padding, ect, seems to hold it all in.

I've ripped up and removed staples and tack strips from about one third of the entire area. I'm exhausted.  Our house is small, but this is two rooms plus the hallway worth of carpet. So most of the carpet in the house.

Luckily, there is a brilliantly lovely hardwood floor underneath. No idea why the idiots who previously owned the house felt the need to hide it with carpet, but the wood actually brightens and warms the house up visually.

This is how I started out. Yes, those are my toes.  I am working in strips, obviously because the whole thing would weigh a ton and be hard to maneuver.  I always forget how dirty floors are underneath carpeting.  Just about a pound of dust, disintegrating carpet pad and other oddities like dead bugs, bits of pet food, pine needles that worked their way under the edges.

And this is where I ended for the day. The entire dining area done.  We actually are using it as an extension of the living room as the living room really isn't large enough to have more than a couple seating areas.  Which usually isn't a problem as it's just Jon and I. But, if we do have people over, they had nowhere to sit.

I figure about two more long days of it and I'd be done. However, I do have to work all this week and don't know how much will get done before the weekend. Can't just stop mid yank because the staples are sharp and would probably cut one of us or our pets. Not fond of that. I'm sure I'll cut myself on a missed staple before its over.

Be really awesome to invite people over for a carpet pulling party but they wouldn't have a lot of fun. I'd gladly provide booze and snacks but people have busy lives and I suppose I was in need of a project anyway. I tend to mope around all winter. Something to do with the yucky gray skies and the cold and the yucky snow.  I feel much better with warm temperatures and sunshine. Even if it rains, I feel better.

I made potato soup since that's what we had and payday isn't until next week.  Yay, stretching things.  I'd really like to be in a place in my life where I didn't have to stretch out every bit of food, plan it out, and then get tired of eating the only food in the house. I guess that would mean I was rich.  Until then, I know I'm privileged compared to some people but it doesn't make it any easier.

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