The horrible snow, it IS melting!!!!!
Yes, I use many exclamation points because there was so much snow in piles lying about that even after almost a week of highs near 50 degrees there are STILL big snow piles; like where my asshole neighbor plowed a giant hump in front of my house, for instance. Why he did this? I don't know but we can't even park in front of our OWN house or have guests over to park in front of our house with this hump of snow there. So I have retaliated by parking my car in a spot that makes it difficult for him to park his family's eight (!!!!!) cars in front of any part of my property. Uh, yeah, I think that's excessive. Especially because he decided to make my life suck more by plowing a giant snow pile on my property (on a day when it didn't even snow or need plowing) was definite Assholery.
I may even put a chunk of concrete in the middle of my front yard so when he decides to mow my lawn this year the same day I've already mowed the grass; he hits the concrete with his stupid lawn tractor. I like my grass taller than yours, you stupid fuck. Deal with it! It's so damn annoying. My house, my lawn. We drive on it sometimes but we have never driven across the property line to his lawn. Hmmm? Perhaps I should. Anal retentive fuck.
I can walk outside WITHOUT seven hundred layers of clothing and my face doesn't feel like cracking!!!!!
Because it is March in Michigan I don't know how long this will last, but I am enjoying it now.
A big FUCK YOU to that stupid Disney Frozen movie. FUCK YOU FROZEN!!!!! In protest of your promotion of winter I want to burn all copies of this idiocy I come across.
And why do Disney movies have such pathetic sound tracks? Pathetic. Whiny. Asinine. Ear bleeding. Perhaps if they had sound tracks featuring listenable artists that weren't the characters breaking into song (which I absolutely detest and it has made me shut off several movies because I refuse to follow a storyline where I am FORCED to pay attention to a horrible song to follow the story line) I wouldn't hate Disney so much. Don't think this is because I'm old and cranky. I hated musicals as a CHILD. Just do a normal sound track. The Wizard of Oz was ruined because of the singing. Ruined!!!! Along with many, many other good story lines. Sweeney Todd. Yeah. Turned that motherfucking train wreck off in less than fifteen minutes due to excessive singing. The murdering was all well and good, but the singing, eh, screw that, I found it offensive.
I'm frightened for Star Wars. I thought it was dead in the water the instant I heard Disney bought the rights. All I can think of is Darth Vader singing about murdering some Ewoks instead of just going ahead and murdering some mutha-fucking Ewoks!
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