Sunday, March 29, 2015

This Week Somewhere in Michigan

This little boy ran around in the mud, shouting "Hooray!" with much joy, tossing dirt onto his head as though it were confetti.

 I am jealous of an ALMOST-three year old's eyelashes.  Look at them!  Just look at those eyelashes!  This is why cosmetics companies sell mascara.

 My friend Ruth gave me some of her very, very pretty eggs.  I put them in a bowl to take photos. One blue, one green, two brown and specked.    She gave me a dozen.

Then I switched out the green egg for another blue one since that was also visually satisfying.

My professional grade hair dye from Pravana arrived.  I elected to do an experiment on only the front bits of my hair. (If you read the last blog, note how FAST the entire purple head went away.)  I mixed all three colors together, and painted away. Thirty minutes later, I had this. 

I did take note of several YouTube videos and washed it out in the stainless steel kitchen sink as I am told this dye STAINS everything. And saw a girl turn purple since she washed it out in the shower.  I also put Vaseline on my hairline to prevent staining on my skin. A handy tip. 
I am interested to find out how long this dye will last. So, more on that later.

My Roger's Honey moisturizer also arrived. I am not disappointed and I actually like both the lavender and the milk and honey scents.  It is a very thick moisturizer.  I will probably cut way back this summer on the use of it as my skin has been naturally oily all my life.  But, my skin is changing and this winter it became uncomfortably dry and nasty. But, then, I was outside a lot in negative 22 below zero weather.  I will try to keep it as supple as possible.

And, if that photo is scary, that's me with no makeup, with not even having run a brush through my hair. This is actually how I go to work most days. Poor them.  Sometimes my hair is much more wild and I might brush it, causing it to become worse looking.

So that is this week. 

Photo blogs are so much fun now that I have a new camera that works correctly.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Iced Coffee is for Losers And Other Musings

It's a pretty inconsequential weekend.  Nothing much happening. I tasted iced coffee for the first time and it reminded me of when my grandma would request hot water in a cup. No tea bag, no hot chocolate, no nothing. Just hot water.  Iced coffee is the same. Gross.  Think I'll stick with the original hot coffee and cold water. It's a classic and it is delightfully palatable.

Have been invited to an Easter egg hunt/potluck dinner.  Not sure if I can go or not. Depends on if Jon has to work and if his family has plans. My family is a bit too far to drive for just a dinner.  If he has to work, I'm down to go hang out with Jen, her girlfriend, her cat, Mr. Mistofeelees, and anyone else who drops by.

Anyone else look at the Lexus logo on the back of a car and think it stands for Loser?  Or just me?  I mean, they are one of the world's ugliest, most douche bagglery cars, but....I don't think the designers thought out that L logo very well. Or perhaps the designers were much more mature than I am. I still remember making that "L" out of my fingers and placing it on my forehead in an immature manner to signify someone was a LOSER.

Only virtually related:  Beck: Loser

Ordered a few things off the web to try out.  I'm nearly out of the home made moisturizing potion my friend Crystal gave me and I no longer just bump into her at work, so I ordered some all natural stuff from a small company and am excited for it to arrive so I can try it out. 

This stuff:  Roger's Honey

They also sell honey.

And ordered a few tubes of Pravana hair dye since apparently my District Manager didn't give a crap about my purple hair the other day.  So, I'm hoping this dye will be a bit more permanent than Manic Panic on my hair.  I have been washing my hair once a week and by the end of two weeks, its pretty much all gone.  The dryness of winter plus bleaching my roots prompted me to try shampooing once a week. Worked out pretty well. My hair seems less dry and more shiny.  Going into warmer weather, where my job will have me sweating a lot, I am going to want to shampoo more often.

I ordered these colors:


My friend Ruth has suggested I try ombre. I may. It sounds like a lot of work but also sounds fun. I do like the ability to change my color all the time, I've found...if I get tired of having it colored, I can let it wash out and be blonde for a bit, then color it all over again. Never comes out the same way twice because my mixing is not the most scientific but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Currently, I ran out of the lighter purple I was mixing with the Ultra Violet so am just at Ultra Violet plus conditioner. (Manic Panic Ultra Violet goes a really long way if diluted.)  The lighter color which was Mystic Heather doesn't go as far, needs less dilution, but fades really prettily if mixed with the Ultra Violet.

                                          A couple of weeks ago, I was a platinum blonde.

                                        Manic Panic Ultra Violet mixed with hair conditioner. Today.

                                               Decided to make faces at myself, why not?

                                                            Pushing 40.  Huh. 

I remember freaking out when I was pushing 30.  Wonder why?  I'm going to be one of those little old ladies with wild colored hair.  It's less boring.  I have more energy than people I work with who are ten or more years younger.  But, I ascribe many things to good genes.

I get tons of compliments from absolute strangers on my choice of alternative hair color so I don't know why corporations have restrictions on the colors their employee's hair can be. I work for one of those companies. But, as long as my boss and my DM aren't going to say squat to me, I think it doesn't apply. 

As for the compliments, the age and sex range is diverse. Everyone seems to love it. Old people, young people, men, women, kids.  I'm thinking they love that I'm brave enough to try it and they like the result. I also hear how do you do this? And I'm happy to tell them.  And, that they are afraid of commitment, which, in my case, is small. It washes out soooo fast for me. So fast.  Look at the top picture. That had been purple just like this a few weeks previous. And I mean FEW. Two and a half weeks, tops.

                                        This is me and my brother back in the 80s. My natural hair color.

Look how tan I was. We lived outside.  I have no idea how old we are there. Maybe I was seven and he was five?  My hair hasn't been that color since I was in my early 20s. And I haven't been anywhere near that tan in ages. No idea how I got that tan in the first place considering I am white like a ghost and my face tends to burn and then peel. I'm fine with pale. It's healthy.

                                                        Burgundy hair

That was at my brother's wedding and COMPLETELY out of character. As the photo shows, I was having an awesome time attempting to balance on my heels (I almost fell over, no kidding) and trying to behave myself, which is always difficult at an event like a wedding.  I pretty much fail at all social norms, which is not a surprise, but some people have problems with me being me. Fuck those people.

That is that for the evolution of my hair. So far. I'm only almost 40.  I'll get tired of purple someday and pick something else.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Suck it, Frozen.

The horrible snow, it IS melting!!!!!

Yes, I use many exclamation points because there was so much snow in piles lying about that even after almost a week of highs near 50 degrees there are STILL big snow piles; like where my asshole neighbor plowed a giant hump in front of my house, for instance.  Why he did this? I don't know but we can't even park in front of our OWN house or have guests over to park in front of our house with this hump of snow there. So I have retaliated by parking my car in a spot that makes it difficult for him to park his family's eight (!!!!!) cars in front of any part of my property.  Uh, yeah, I think that's excessive. Especially because he decided to make my life suck more by plowing a giant snow pile on my property (on a day when it didn't  even snow or need plowing) was definite Assholery. 

I may even put a chunk of concrete in the middle of my front yard so when he decides to mow my lawn this year the same day I've already mowed the grass; he hits the concrete with his stupid lawn tractor.  I like my grass taller than yours, you stupid fuck. Deal with it!  It's so damn annoying. My house, my lawn. We drive on it sometimes but we have never driven across the property line to his lawn. Hmmm?  Perhaps I should. Anal retentive fuck.

I can walk outside WITHOUT seven hundred layers of clothing and my face doesn't feel like cracking!!!!!

Because it is March in Michigan I don't know how long this will last, but I am enjoying it now.

A big FUCK YOU to that stupid Disney Frozen movie. FUCK YOU FROZEN!!!!!  In protest of your promotion of winter I want to burn all copies of this idiocy I come across.

And why do Disney movies have such pathetic sound tracks? Pathetic.  Whiny. Asinine.  Ear bleeding.  Perhaps if they had sound tracks featuring listenable artists that weren't the characters breaking into song (which I absolutely detest and it has made me shut off several movies because I refuse to follow a storyline where I am FORCED to pay attention to a horrible song to follow the story line)  I wouldn't hate Disney so much.  Don't think this is because I'm old and cranky. I hated musicals as a CHILD.  Just do a normal sound track.  The Wizard of Oz was ruined because of the singing. Ruined!!!!  Along with many, many other good story lines. Sweeney Todd. Yeah. Turned that motherfucking train wreck off in less than fifteen minutes due to excessive singing. The murdering was all well and good, but the singing, eh, screw that, I found it offensive.

I'm frightened for Star Wars. I thought it was dead in the water the instant I heard Disney bought the rights.  All I can think of is Darth Vader singing about murdering some Ewoks instead of just going ahead and murdering some mutha-fucking Ewoks!