Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Or, how lots of my Facebook friends have been writing it: VD.

Which I know is just laziness, however, my mind just keeps turning to Venereal Disease because, that's what VD is in my  mind.

Jon did not buy me roses. Instead, he knows my favorites are tulips. So he came home last night with a boquet of them.  He also bought me Crown Royal whiskey and whiskey sour mix...ah, he does love me!

It has been a tough time lately as he was injured at work.  And  needed an MRI.  Lots of stress.

His foreman is still being a jerk.  At least the owner of the company isn't.

I am not big on Have-To Holidays.  I love Halloween. (Hence the light up skeletons that are a permanent fixture in my home and were a gift from one of Jon's friend's mothers who is quite possibly the sweetest woman who ever lived.  But I do appreciate that Jon wanted to gift me some tulips. A lot.

Today, I bleached my roots. I have a hard time keeping up with them as the colder the weather, the faster my hair seems to grow.  But, it turned out nicely, and here I am, my bangs not all the way grown out, but grown out enough that they no longer annoy me, and wearing makeup, which rarely happens.


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