Monday, July 28, 2014

Last Weekend was a Wash

I spent Thursday through Sunday quite ill with a high enough fever to hallucinate mildly and find things funny--all the things--for a while.

And, then, Sunday night, Jon's friend Levon called and wanted to stop by and hang out. Unfortunately, he was trashed out of his mind.  So he came over and was rude.  Some nonsense about wanting to party and that we should be blasting music.   Sunday, mind you, is not the time Jon and I really want to party considering we need to wake up at 6 am on Monday.

Jon finally had to ditch him by lying about having to check on his parent's dog because they were out of town (they weren't) and heading to the car, then driving around the block. 

Pretty ridiculous for a friend who is likeable and personable when sober.

Coincidentally, we were watching the Trailer Park Boys series on Netflix.  I kind of thought Levon filled the role of Jim Lahey quite well.

Even though I have many anti-social tendencies, I have never been outright rude in someone else's home even while heavily intoxicated.

 Almost made me wish I has some neighborhood bottle kids.

 These are kids that will gladly throw bottles at anyone, anytime, anywhere in Sunnyvale Trailer Park, if you didn't know.

So that was my weekend.  Hope everyone else's was better.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

My Human Form, Where I was born, I now Repent.

Yesterday when I woke up all I could think was....urrrrr.rrrrr....rrrr...kind of like a car with a dead battery.  But this is because yesterday was Friday and the day of the week I am required, for work, to be alive at four a.m.  Yeah. So I felt lucky my brain even managed the urrrrr...rrrr....rrrr...of attempted start up.

Suffice it to say, I ended up leaving work after only 2 and a half hours because Jon's dad was in the hospital (his mom had left a very uninformative voice mail leaving out the where and the why) and no one would answer their phones.  So, knowing Jon's dad has several self-inflicted health issues, I figured this could be quite serious and left work to go with Jon to find out what in the hell was really going on.

Long story short, the doctors don't seem to know. However, I and Jon and the doctors really believe it still has something to do with his heart even though the blood work says otherwise and the stress test says otherwise.  I am pretty sure he had a mild heart attack.  Which is the stupidest term ever. Mild. Heart. Attack.  Just considering his weight, his lack of physical activity, his poor diet, his diabetes, his being on blood thinners and insulin and all manner of things....I think he's lucky to be alive.  I am not House, M.D, and clearly neither were the docs at Botsford....nor were they particularly interested in anything other than discharging him once they ascertained the diagnosis of "Um, yeah, none of us knows."  Jon's dad had 6 different doctors most of whom were residents and all of them had differing opinions.

I think the fact that they had him hooked to a nitroglycerin drip, fluids, a blood thinner and were giving him shots of morphine probably speaks volumes. 

I also hope this scares him shitless into behaving himself and not eating three bags of potato chips for lunch...and downing soda after soda even though his diabetes says otherwise.  But, I doubt it and I figure we are in for more of these horrible hospital experiences.

I am glad yesterday is over. 


At the moment, I am sitting here marinating in my friend Crystal's homemade yummy smelling lotion after I used her yummy smelling homemade sugar scrub on my face.  I'm at the age, I guess, where my face enjoys a good soak in oil. I used to have so many issues with oil, I had to wash my face three times a day.  And I had horrible acne. However, my oily teen and early 20s years apparently were oddly kind to my skin as I approach my (dare I even think this?) 40s.  But now I need to marinate once in a while. 

I just soaked my bleached and dry hair in more manic panic...Virgin Snow this time...which is basically a very very very light purple meant as a toner but my hair is so light at the moment it did leave a purple tint behind.  It makes my hair feel less dry.  I just wish my work was cool with any color hair I feel comfortable wearing.  But, alas, corporations suck monkey balls. My boss is cool with it. His boss?  I don't know. The man is a tool.

My friend Courtney is having a very terrifying 80s party tonight.  I'm sure it will be fun, but listening to 80s music sounds about as fun as shoving my hand into a garbage disposal.  I already was forced to live through it once, being as I was a kid then, I see no need for a repeat. 

The Pixies--Caribou--the type of 80s music I love...which is completely at odds with every other brand of 80s music.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Shit Poor People Do

Jon made Yucky Casserole.

Yes.  He mixed together all  last week's vats of leftovers into a casserole.  Then added cheese and sour cream.  I feel vindicated that I stopped him from dumping the chicken curry into this concoction.  It already consisted of very bean-y chili (a lot of very bean-y chili as we are trying to stretch our meat even more than usual as it has gotten out of control expensive) and some taco meat (not enough taco meat). 

I really wish he would learn to make smaller vats. Really. Wish.  I get tired of eating the same meals two weeks running...after, of course,  recooking them to kill any bacteria that may have formed.

I tried to eat this concoction with some Fritos, and then decided it may be edible if I dumped the entire bag of Fritos into my bowl to disguise the flavor of too tomatoey Yucky Casserole.  Or if we had more unholy amount of cheese may help. Or being hammered on vodka.  Or if my taste buds just didn't function at all.

Jon, however, thinks he is a genius and that it tastes yummy.

The dogs also thought it was yummy after I decided I'd had enough and fed them the remainder of my bowl.

I say I eat all the Fritos and leave him the Yucky Casserole.

The Siberian Husky Emergency Lifeline Fund

A short blog about two passionate people who are doing something to make the world a better place.

Yep, I'm sure that sounds pretty dull, not to mention sappy.

However, I personally know these two ladies and feel somehow compelled to help besides re-sharing their pleas for help on Facebook.  Because, that's actually a very narrow sliver of the population, being as those are the people I actually know. In person.  And because that very narrow sliver of the population earns an even narrower sliver of the money in this those people (and I know some of them have helped this organization out in the past) are likely tapped.

They rescue Huskies from abusive backgrounds, over-breeding, you name it, then try to save these dogs from it, including taking a small group of volunteers into Cleveland (and other environs) to catch elusive strays.  This requires resources as they are a no-kill rescue.  This also requires volunteers to foster, and care for their on-site rescue dogs that are being evaluated and trained for possible forever homes. 

Not that I have a giant bunch of followers. And not that I know I have regular readers, however, I am going to share a link on my page to try to help out these amazing ladies.  Yes, they ARE legit.  One was a former co-worker and is a friend.  The other lady I barely know, but from what I DO know about her, she is wonderful and she is the founder.

About the S.H.E.L.L. Fund

There are several ways to help.

Here are a few that can be helpful from a distance (as in you are not near the Cleveland, OH area) as I am not and really wish I could volunteer some of my own valued time to help out...but I am approximately 4 hours away).

Amazon Smile  order things you would normally order from Amazon and raise money for the rescue.

Sponsorship Program   help the rescue buy food, medication, flea treatments, heart worm pills, and fund vet visits.

Fun Time Dog Toys  buy things you need for the dog you live with and help out the rescue!

Wine buy tasty wine and support the huskies!

Donate anything from money, food, toys, bedding, it ALL helps.

The Process  Now, if you ARE interested in adopting, these ladies WILL put you through an extensive process to protect the dogs, you, your family, and any other pets you currently have in your household. It is beneficial to find out if there are any personality conflicts early on as Huskies are demanding.

The Adoptables!  The stars of all of this. The lucky dogs, looking to get even luckier.

If you can help, please do as the Rescue has just moved to a larger site.  This is a crucial time in their survival and I, for one, would like to think that the do-gooders of the world can survive.