This has been a busy and yet rather boring weekend. I have gotten many things done. My house is much cleaner. Cleaning is BORING. But, it needed doing and its amazing how dirty the damn house gets when we both work 40 hours a week minimum. Of, course, the two cats, the two dogs and the rabbit have a little something to do with it.
The weather this summer has been nice. Weirdly nice. It's nearly July and there have only been a handful of 90 degree days. I'll take it. Anything so we don't have to run the air conditioner (which is easier on the paycheck) is good. We still have two loans outstanding. I want to get at least one of them paid off or close to paid off before winter. That is my goal. It's a hefty one considering my car still doesn't run and the Jeep engine transplant has stagnated because Jon's helper landed himself in jail for an outstanding warrant, no car insurance and some other things. You think the guy would learn, but eh, I guess some people never do learn.
Being super broke this week due to bills sucking all our life away, we basically just went grocery shopping on $60 and $10 of bottle returns. (To those not from Michigan, there is a 10 cent return on recyclable bottles if you return them to a machine at the grocery store. I know we went to Meijer where they have 10 machines and about 3 of them are actually operable at any given time which is awful so there is always waiting in line forever. But, $10 is $10 when you need it.)
On another note, my lucky bamboo plant is still alive and actually thriving. It's super easy, which is good news to my black thumb. Just change the water once a week and it seems to be happy. I also put a tiny bit of rabbit poo in there once as fertilizer. I may do that again in a couple weeks. I'm sure Vincent wonders what I do with his poo but, then, he's a rabbit and I'm sure he forgets again in a couple seconds.
See, its still alive and GREEN, here's the proof.
Vincent found himself to be the recipient of a good haircut this morning to his chagrin. He was getting that dreadful Angora floof that makes mats. Plus, I'm sure that since its summer he's actually relived to have a lighter less fluffy coat so he can stay cooler. He also got a nice nail trimming. I wish my dogs would act as nice as Vincent during a nail trim. Initially he squirms, but then, he gives up and its over in about five minutes. Also, his nails are clear which makes this dead simple. No guessing at blood vessels.
Vincent is still super fluffy, and because of his incessant squirming I always miss some. But I like to leave the hair on his head long. He was rewarded with a yogurt treat and some dandelions; just in case you were thinking I was mistreating him during his morning of beauty. He actually looked much more handsome with all the fluff, but it gets unmanageable and its actually cruel NOT to give Angoras haircuts.
I do need to procure him a bunny palace. We sell a nice dog camping enclosure that is super awesome for a price of $150. It'd work nice in the sun room and he wouldn't have to take up an entire room anymore.