Friday, March 21, 2014

tired of my dreams

Having one of our friends doing dumb things as late has prompted some heated discussions about bad trips.  My argument being, my dreams are so disturbing, why would I want to be out of my head?

I think I'd go even more insane which is why I refuse to be my usual impartial self and look at the other side that is that it could be good psychologically once in a while to gain perspective.

For example, last night, like most every night, I dreamed about strangers and places I have never been.  Strange women wearing corsets, dresses, lace, and ribbons.  One of them was the daughter of a doctor.  She'd been stealing medication to self medicate.  Her skin turned really brackish green as though she were decaying already, and her mind was a mess.  So she broke a water glass and slashed her wrists with the shards.  The other woman, of an age with her, found her all drenched in blood on a bloody mattress, and got her some actual help, stopped the bleeding, washed her skin, dressed her in stark white dressing gown and said, "Why'd you reach for the glass again?"  She also called her by name but I can't remember it now.

My dreams are generally bloody, violent, quite disturbing and have been since I was small. I really wish it was different.  My husband is constantly asking if I am okay when I wake up from one of these.  I basically just snuggle close and cuddle because it disturbs me.

I have often wondered if I dream things that have happened in the past.  No way to prove this.

A few times I have dreamed future events.  I dreamed of my in-laws' house before I ever stepped foot there.  Once I did go there, it was odd and quite almost exactly as the dream.

But, back to the original bit at the beginning, why would I want to see where else my mind would go?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

purple silver hair

So I got kind of a wild hare and put some Manic Panic Ultra Violet highly diluted with my regular conditioner on my hair to get rid of that brassy yellow it was heading (oh, and because I wanted to not so secretly dye it purple) and it made purple streaks amid silvery hair which I quite liked.


So today, probably due to resentment from the work dress code that says no unnaturally dyed hair and due to the fact I have purple dye and due to the fact I have been drinking rum;  I decided to do it again.

OOPS: (well, that is what I'll say if it comes up at work)  I realize it will fade and I'd go for more purple...but it's still at the could have been an accident stage so I won't just now.

Also I get to look like a dolt (and that's always fun) because I just now lack the patience to retake the photo. Yes, I dyed my brows and I'm wearing NO makeup in this photo and am in the first.  Also the lighting is drastically different, but I like that purple...and silver.

I hope my hair goes this pretty silver in about 20 years...but, if not, I now know how to acquire it artificially.

Also I feel that my boss lacks the balls to fire me over this since I am competent and he so far lacks the balls to get rid of an incompetent ASM.  Or to even say anything to aforementioned ASM.

I can always wear a hat to cover my offensive locks.  One of my coworkers has visible tattoos and another has loads of extra piercings so why should I be singled out?  Those things are also against corporate dress code.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Random Animal Coveting Post

Animal species I'd someday like to add to my own personal zoo:


                                                   ONE OF MY FAVORITES, SKUNKS

And, since copy and pasting on a kindle is an enormous amount of work; as is typing, that is all for now.  But bats, yes, bats.....

Jon says "No bats for you."  But I can properly train him.  Time is on my side.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

First Day of March!

I have sunk to new lows to amuse myself this boring winter.  It is the end of February, and having been cooped up indoors for nearly two solid months has likely made me more insane than usual.

Our street is currently about 6 inches of packed ice. I have been amusing myself actually watching stupid people who were driving too quickly get themselves out of the predicaments they themselves caused. It goes a little like this: 

              Drive really fast on ice
              Fishtail into a frozen two to three foot pile of snow.
              Rev engine a lot to make sure the car really is stuck.
              Continue revving engine to make the ice more slippery.
              Get out of car, glare at the snow pile, glare at car.
              Get back in car, continue revving engine and ice polishing.
              Slap steering wheel with hands.
              Get out a cellphone, call someone.
              Gesticulate wildly.
              The someone from the call shows up.
              Both persons glare at the car, the ice, and the snowpile.
              One revs the engine, one tries to push.
              When this fails, the pusher gets into the second vehicle.
              A low speed but forceful crash happens.  THWACK!
              The stuck car is now free.

The incident recurs with a revolving cast all week.  Not one of the people involved seem to
realize all they needed to do to avoid this scenario was to drive slowly on ice.  This is Michigan, after all, not Georgia or South Carolina where snow and ice are rare.

And yes, I am aware that the winter has been so long and boring that I have sunk to this.  I could get out and help, but all the stuck people have been young and able bodied, and usually are using our street to bypass a traffic light.  Very few people actually live on the street and since I live about midway down, none of these folks are simply trying to get to the next street as they wouldn't have had to turn onto the street to do that.  

And so I watch them.