Sunday, June 30, 2013

Slow Down the Weekend

Why aren't weekends longer than two days?  It takes more than two days to play catch up for the five days I am at work....even doing laundry/dishes during the week I still get behind and the house always looks scroodie...and the outside work piles up as well.


I cleaned bunny and kitty litter boxes.
Finished the laundry I started last night.
Washed dishes.
Cleaned the bathroom.
Mowed the lawn.
Trimmed trees the best I could.
Cleaned gutters (finally!).
Cleaned up the gutter gunk.
Cleaned out the weird/gross bits of ???? that always manage to fall into our drying rack of a dishwasher.  No idea what this stuff is but it gets seriously gross. Wish the damn dishwasher worked as a dishwasher.

Yesterday, due to possible insanity, we drove to south of Cleveland, OH to look at a used Jeep Cherokee at a small car dealership.  Ended up buying the thing after Jon drove it about and I sat and watched the dealer/salesmen break into one of their own cars.  Really funny, especially all the cursing. Also thought my bladder was going to explode. There were no public restroom facilities and Jon had the keys to my car in his pocket while he was test driving.  He ended up buying it. 

It's a pretty nice Jeep for $2500 (those taxes and dealer fees sure do add up)  but has its issues.  Not sure what all these "issues" are yet.   Some are that the oil pressure appears to be all the way up on the gauge, guy at parts store said we probably needed to replace some oil do-hickey that I can't recall the name of. Ed says its not serious.  And the water pump is will need a new one...(I told Jon to go strip the one of his old Cherokee, we put it on there maybe a year ago)  and the CHECK ENGINE decided to come on this morning after Jon changed the oil...which was a quart low...and I suspect the engine having enough oil is triggering this stupid gauge thing and the gauge thing is triggering the check engine but what do I know?  Either that or the water pump is triggering it.

She runs, has mostly all decent tires (one is meh), needs a new windshield due to long cracks across the glass, doesn't make the weird clunk or grinding noise that the last Jeep was making, the four wheel drive still works and she has under 200,000 miles on her.  She made the three hour drive from Ohio to Redford just fine.

Mostly, though, we have a month to transfer registration (after we get it in the mail, Ohio does that), and hopefully it won't be a fortune, don't know. I did the insurance bit last night...that way if Jon gets pulled over for ??? (windshield???)  we'll just get a fix it ticket.

And we owe the bank another 2500....


I hate being a grown up.  But at least if my car takes a shit we'll have some feasible alternative.

Next weekend, we'll try to relax at my parent's house. Hope that happens. My plans lately have a way of taking a dump.

At work I wonder who is unloading the DC and sorting the freight. Apparently isn't me.  I am off the 4th.  And the trucks are no longer supposed to be early/delayed for any holiday.  Probable nightmare scenario here.  Too bad I can't call off the 5th if I want my holiday pay....or I totally would.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Only in Detroit

I have lived near Detroit  since December 2009. I can hardly believe that.  Sometimes it seems like a longer period of time; sometimes I can't believe I'm still here.  For all its obvious drawbacks--and not so obvious ones to people who like cities and suburbs (I'm not one of them)  there are good things in Detroit, Michigan.

One of the very, very first things we did in Detroit was go to the Auto Show.  It's full of crazy people, cars that are just plain mad, and lots of people trying to sell you lots of things. Some cars are so expensive as to be roped off, some are fully hands on.  The year we went, the Ford display included the robots that build the cars which was bittersweet since so many in the Motor City had suddenly discovered themselves out of work because the Big Three were in deep trouble.  Jon and I were so broke that year that one of his friend's mom's gave us the tickets (she'd been given them) and we only paid for parking in one of those maze-like and tomb-like parking structures that inevitably always smell like pee.

We went to see Jack White live, playing in his hometown.  The White Stripes were defunct by then, but he was touring with a new band, The Dead Weather.  Nothing as loud as Jack White playing Detroit, Michigan at The Fillmore.  My left ear is still the worse for the wear.  Really.  Never been to a louder show. Even Jon, who has been to many, many shows says that show was the absolute loudest he had ever attended.

A few years later, we had the luck to see Cage the Elephant live at St. Andrew's Hall.   Lots of important bands have played there in their early years, and not so early years. Including Nirvana. Nirvana's Setlist at St. Andrew's Hall 1991 (according to others).  I wish I had been older than 12.  That would have been a show to remember. It's a wonderful venue. Small, intimate with plenty of room and a rather cheap bar with Michigan micro brews and lots of other beer on tap.  They don't even search patrons for contraband. Awesomeness.  Cage the Elephant tickets were just $14 a piece that tour.  We did  have to suffer through several terrible Emo bands because St. Andrew's has a no re-admittance policy, but it was well worth it.  Two years later, we saw Cage the Elephant again, this time at The Fillmore with another terrible band, Manchester Orchestra.  The price of admission had doubled, but the show was still raw, rough and spectacular.  A regular 90s style grunge type show. Wild, unabashed and tons of fun.  Lots of shocked Emo kids kept repeating how "hardcore" their set was. Ummm...not ACTUAL rock show with a non-lame band. That's what it's all about.

                                                                    Yep. Nice, rowdy show.

My favorite building in the Detroit skyline, Michigan Central Station.  It's sad to see it, but beautiful just the same. Ghostly. Beautiful. Still there. Makes me want to break in and experience the grandeur of the interior for myself...or win a trillion dollars and make it all better. Here is the history .



 The Detroit Zoo. Quite nice with the absolute best architecture of any zoo I've ever visited. The Aviary is lovely, inside and outside. The zoo was going to be on the chopping block in 2006 and some of the animals were relocated to other zoos, but the people of Detroit caused such a backlash that legislators had to turn the operations of the zoo over to a private company.  Good choice.

Belle Isle.  A place I only recently discovered because a group of volunteers, operating solely on donations, have re-opened the oldest aquarium in the United States.  All the tanks are not yet full, but wonderful things are door, the Conservatory is also wonderful. Both were designed by architect Albert Kahn.  Detroit was the place to be way back in the 1900s. I would have loved have seen it before all the decline.



                                                    Ruins of the Belle Isle Nature Zoo
                                    Scott Memorial longer works, but a group is trying to fix this.

As this is a half-finished post and I have lost the mood and thus far can't continue, I am going to post it anyway. 

Basically some very awesome things are in Detroit, cesspool that it has become.  Wish I could travel back in time and see it in the mid 30s.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Note to Self: Things Can Always Get Worse

Last week was not a good week.

The following happened:

Jon's beloved Jeep decided to have a broken axle...and the poor rust bucket just wasn't worth all the work and expense to repair considering allllll its many other issues including body, frame, doors, engine, ignition, wheel bearing, muffler, overheating at random, but she STILL RAN...just was getting more and more dangerous.

The Pontiac we acquired to replace the Jeep has a broken ignition...key WILL NOT TURN FORWARD now that somehow it turned to drive to our house.  Also has an antitheft device in the ignition somewhere that makes swapping out the ignition for a switch basically impossible...and as the car is rabidly crashed and it was $200 we are likely (unless some miracle happens, and I wish it would) junking it instead of plating it.

So now we need to look for a car.  Even old cars are not cheap.  And we have little savings so will have to borrow money...even though we still haven't paid off the loan to fix the plumbing to acquire some other old car that hopefully has less issues than the Pontiac. It also needs a pretty drastic muffler repair and the rear bumper somehow stuck back on as well as a battery and who knows what else.

And have to cancel our much looked forward to vacation to the UP with friends.  I just don't see it happening with things the way they are at the moment.  Even though it was a very economical vacation I am going to need the money we were going to spend to use on something else.

If my car had less miles on it I would be fine with being down to one car again. However, it doesn't.  And something on my car will inevitably break and leave us stranded again.  Ruth and Joe are all out of spare

Summer may have finally arrived in Michigan.  The lawn needs mowed but as it is very hot and humid outside I have so far decided to put that off. 

On the other hand, while listening to the radio this morning while waiting to go into work after dropping Jon off at his work, I learned about this man and my life didn't seem so terrible after all.  Poor guy. I really can't imagine...

                              And then I did imagine; shame on me, because this is out of context.

But it would be the most terrible thing ever to have to wear upside down sweatshirts to contain your balls and use a milk crate to support them because they weighed as much as another human being.

And, its not over for this poor guy, if This Article is correct which I very much doubt. I have a reluctance to trust any source called the Sun because this is written very much like a tabloid and I am guessing that it is.  All I can say is if I had the choice between a very small penis and painfully disfiguring testes, I'd choose the tiny penis.

Also this blog somehow has managed 1000 views.  Considering I have three subscribers and two of them are rarely ever on...if ever...that's pretty good.

Friday, June 21, 2013

This thing

Liebster Awards?

Meh...I'm not super stoked possibly because I don't even follow eleven whole blogs due to the fact that ones I seem to come across are about parenting and ask  questions at the end such as "what do your kids like to eat?" or running which is difficult and boring...the difficulty I admire, its the boring I can never get past...even while running...I just think "I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored and sweaty this is pointless, I've always been fat anyway....bored....." or I find blogs difficult to relate to for some other very inane reason.  So usually, if I am reading a blog it is either interesting to me because it is about animals, or something about which I know very little but am fascinated by like living off the grid, or its amusing/funny to me in some way, or I just really enjoy the writing style or the writer.

But I was nominated by an amazing person on an unusually shitty day...and here she is: If she and I were both lesbians, we'd likely be inseparable

Liebster Rules (Or whatever, reminds me of a chain letter)

HOW TO ACCEPT THE AWARD:  The Liebster Blog Award is a way to recognize blogs who have less than 200 followers. Liebser is a German word that means beloved and valued. Here are the rules for accepting the award.

1.  Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog
2.  List 11 random facts about yourself
3.  Answer the 11 questions given to you
4.  Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate
5.  Choose blogs with 200 or fewer followers to nominate and include links to their blogs
6.  Go to each blogger's page and let them know you have nominated them  


1.  My boobs seem to keep growing exponentially.  I'm not certain if this is or is not disturbing.  I seem to recall older family members remarking on this phenomenon...ummm....and no, I've never if I end up with some remarkably saggy FFs I'm going to blame genetics.

2.  I  am terrible at small talk.  I don't talk to strangers because I somehow automatically hate them, its more like I have nothing to say and could care less about asking how the weather is...or have absolutely NO interest in the subject being discussed.  This happens constantly.  My husband hates taking me places where I don't know anyone because of it and is embarrassed that his friends believe I hate them just because I have nothing to say...kudos to Shane, Dave, and Levon, though, Shane talks enough for 10 people, Dave is very quiet except when engaged in an interesting subject and Levon is just intuitive...a LOT like me.  Doesn't take silence personally.

3. I probably eat my weight in cheese every year.  Good cheese is my crack. 

4.  I rarely do anything just for myself.  Sometimes, but rarely.

5.  I feel like an idiot for helping Jon junk a car with a running was a 1996 and an axle was on its last legs, but she RAN!!!!!  I am aware that this is the redneck in me.  Way too expensive to replace an axel...but the motor ran!!!!!

6.  I find this to be difficult. There isn't that much to know.

7.  I wish the Pontiac junker in the driveway would start when I turned the key because the idiot neighbor with his obnoxious Harley Davidson is revving it up again for no reason...I want to go rev the damn Pontiac with the broken muffler in time with his revving...the damn Pontiac is louder!

8.  I still wonder why a Fox 2 news crew was talking to the neighbor.

9.  My rabbit is named after President Camacho in the movie Idiocracy.

10,  I use red ink at work now all the time. The 9 year old girl inside me finds this very gratifying since she used to get yelled at by her teachers for doing just that on her homework.

11.  Bright, very saturated colors are my favorite.


1.  If you could ride any horse (living or dead) who would you pick?

My old horse Flash, of course.  She was my friend even if she was quirky, bitchy and full of herself...I was very sad recently to learn that she had died.

 2. Who are your role models and why? 

I don't remember ever having a role model.  Just seems silly and strange to want to model your life after someone else.  It doesn't work that way.  Even if two identical people were possible, circumstances would make their lives work out differently. Just seems odd.

 3. if you didn't have animals what would you do with all the extra money?

Probably invest in some animals.  I can't even imagine this.  My family has always had animals.

 4.  what is your favorite flavor of icecream? 

French Vanilla

 5. What motivates you when you feel like giving up? 

 Anger, usually. I get angry at myself for being an idiot and just keep going.

 6.What is your favorite equine sport and why? 

Never cared about that. I just rode for fun, I still don't like organized sports of any kind.

 7. If money was no object, what would you do differently? 
Sure as hell wouldn't be living in Redford and working too hard just to make $10 an hour.

 8. do you think nutrition makes a difference in equine attitude? 

Nutrition makes a difference in any animal's attitude.

 9. Favorite horse name? 

 FarCall...(never saw this spelled out but it sounds just like this) No idea what it means or why my Mom's family had a horse called this.

 10. describe your dream horse 

Gypsy Vanner with attached handsome groom
 11. if you could travel in time, what advice would you give beginner you?

 Color outside the lines its more fun.

Patti's Padded Room 

I really think they are both non active in blogging these days and one of the blogs I read nominated me, and the other has over 200 readers.

See? I told you I suck at finding good blogs. I guess I don't try very hard.


1.  Why exactly does corporate America so fear internet and the media in general?  If they are so ethical and humane and HONEST can't they take some of that good old freedom of the press/freedom of speech?  Shouldn't they WELCOME criticism and WORK to CHANGE things for the better?  Such is the state of America.  Nope. Fuck over the poor, they're too broke to complain.

2.  Why do so many douche canoes drive mini vans?

3.  Why do Americans feel so entitled to things that no other people in the developed world feel entitled to?

4.   I have lost interest in questions.

Friday, June 14, 2013

So I Think I want Kindle Fire....I Think.

Lately I have been suffering from the horrible disease of shopping online for things I don't need but may potentially want to buy.

And the object of this affectation of late has been the Kindle.

Yep. Me.Who loves the feel and the smell of regular print books. Odd, this...but when I think about packing books for a vacation whether in the Upper Peninsula or at my parent's house...and when I am bored I can be a voracious reader...even when I am not times I can read a very fat book in three days. Less when I am not working...I kind of cringe when thinking about taking three books when I know the car is always full no matter how I think I skimp on stuff.  And the ride back from Mom and Dad's is always full of whatever vegetables/gifts/plants/things we bought like wine and cheese...that I think it is practical. Also, the price of some of the digital copies is sooooo cheap this appeals to me.

Perhaps I have gone mad.

Not that I would refuse buying print books. Garage sales and the used book store are my great friends.  (The library here is intimidating and I just can't bring myself to go there even after four years. It's just not in an area I feel comfortable going, 100 feet from the Detroit border.  I'm sure its safe, I'm sure of lots of things...but I just don't want to go there. It's not like the small town, nice libraries I am used to and its going to be more full of people than I am used to and after working 40 hours a week among the general public I really really don't like being among the general public on my free time.)'

I do not have the funds at this moment.  Which is fine.  Immediate gratification is nice, but if I have to wait a while then I will be more certain of my decision. 

Of course, once Jon found out, he shot down my attempts to buy the "Plain Jane" cheap version.  And I know why...8 Gigs is not a lot. My Ipod is 16 Gigs and I have it maxed therefore 32 Gigs sounds much better and that one can use the web as well....and play music....and lots of things I hadn't I can use my existing phone charger to charge it therefore not needing another plug to be packed or forgotten....

We shall see how this plays out.

Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm Mad Again

Moose is well, and has a second round of antibiotics waiting for her once the first round is complete.

That said, now my husband is being an ass.

A big one.

Yeah, yeah, I know he's on steroids for his damnable poison ivy, but three weeks into his treatment I kind of wish he lived elsewhere.  He has Roid Rage, I think. Every time he gets steroids its like this.  No matter the problem, big or small its always the fault of whoever happens to be nearby. Namely, me. It's always my fault. 

Not my fault he bought booze for me and snacks with money he SHOULD have used toward his gas.  He knows the Jeep gets thirsty. I didn't ask for booze or snacks. I knew shit was going to be tight this week, we spent $200 on the cat last week and we are broke.

Not my fault he had a rather lazy and uninformed childhood in which he NEVER learned to change a bike tire.

Not my fault his diet is nearly completely all GARBAGE. Nope.  We have perfectly good food at home, that he made, and the minute he gets depressed or angry he runs off and buys some shit cheeseburger or just eats 5 meals in one sitting of the perfectly good food  we have at home.

Not my fault his parents let him drink as much soda as he wanted, so now its all he wants.

My favorite Jon-ism while on the steroids--"The dogs' water bowl is gross, it needs cleaned."

What the Fuck? I think my exact reply was "So clean it."

This of course made him go nutters even though they are also HIS dogs and HE LIVES IN THIS HOUSE TOO.

SO CLEAN IT YOU LAZY BASTARD was what I should have said since he got mad anyway.

Sorry Jon, you are going to be 27 this August. Grow the fuck up. I'm not your mom and I'm not your slave, I'm also not your whipping boy.  I really don't think you know what to do with me because I stand up to you and all the other women in your life just kind of sighed and let you rage. Why? Why should you have been indulged in such selfishness as a child?  They let you rage simply because it was easier.  I'm not that way. I rarely take the easy way out. I'm a fighter and a survivor.  You know that.

If you can't deal with it, then why did you marry me?

I'm Mad Again--The Animals

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Week of Stress

I was working on  nice, happy blog. This isn't it.  This week has been pretty awful, really.

The big thing was that my cat Moose, who is 15 years old, was lying on my feet, as usual Monday night, and then sometime in the night wandered off (also usual, but she comes back later)  and then didn't make an appearance for breakfast.  Really weird. She usually appears once she hears me moving about and wants attention and food. 

Jon and I found her behind the couch. Okay, that's not terribly unusual. I figured well, maybe Emma (one of our dogs) was being rowdy and Moose wanted to be left in peace and quiet.  So we both went to work.

I came home on Tuesday and Jon was already home so I asked if he'd seen Moose. Because she didn't come jump on the couch to beg for food or be petted that night, highly unusual. She can be a terrible pest when she wants petted or thinks she needs to eat cheese or ice cream or yogurt or chicken, all those things are her passions.  She rarely gets them, but she loves them.  He said, yes, she was under the bed but he hadn't seen her since. We found her behind the couch.

I dug her out of there, petted her, she didn't purr, kind of looked disgustedly at me, and I set her to the food dish where she refused to eat but decided to drink water for five minutes or so before going back behind the couch. No limp, no nothing, no listing, just slowly slunk behind the couch (no zip in her step either, which is also unusual). 

She is 15 but has had no health issues other than the occasional fur ball and she was sniffling around for a while but we had given some antibiotics and it seemed to take care of that. She is typically playful, willful, and happy. Weighs ten pounds, eats well, drinks well, no issues, so this came out of nowhere.

Jon took her in to the vet on Wednesday even though I had finally observed her eating breakfast.  The vet is running blood tests, which I haven't heard the results as yet and it is now Saturday and I was trying to obtain a urine sample, which is not the simplest thing in the world if you are using equine fresh as bedding. I finally had to dump it and line the litter pan with newspaper.  I still don't know if its a usable sample or if its urine from Moose, likely its urine from both cats because I don't have two litter boxes and the visit to the vet on Wednesday left us dirt broke. Not that he over charges, just that we don't have a lot of money, so I couldn't buy another litter box. 

We have since both gotten paid, but I had the remainder of the car insurance to pay off and some other I imagine I will be dirt broke after going to the vet again. We are to go back, with the pee.

The vet did give us some antibiotics for Moose because, as he said, it couldn't hurt, even though she didn't appear to be running a fever and all her obvious vital signs were good.  She hates getting the eyedropper twice a day, a towel and another person are definitely needed. 

The only thing the vet seemed to think odd were her eyes as he asked Jon if they were always dilated that big.  Jon said yes.  They are.  Have nearly always been. She has odd, big eyes.  They've gotten a tiny bit less bright over the years, age, I suspect, but they are clear and there are no cataracts.  She just has big, owl eyes that don't miss much.

So I don't know what to think in regards to Moose.

Over the past few days she's gone back to her normal routine of sleeping on my feet, and begging for affection and food and her step has gotten a bit more zip to it. 

I thought perhaps she'd had a stroke, but she walks in a straight line, her pupils are both the same size, and her head doesn't list to the side or anything telltale.  So nothing there.

The vet said possibly diabetes, renal failure, all those kind of terrible things but that until tests come back, he is stumped.

I love my animals. They are my friends.  I've had cats live such long lives that I didn't even really think 15 was that old.  I've had a cat live to 20.  My parent's old cat, Spot, died over the winter, and he was 17, I believe.  So yeah, 15 is old but she's been sooooo healthy and so good at maintaining her weight I didn't even give it a second thought.

My entire week was messed up and brutal.  At work, since I had Monday off and no one knew how to do my job that worked that day, I had to play catch up on Tuesday which is a really busy day on its own...then I had to play clean out the backroom on Wednesday because they were so busy on Tuesday night that the feed truck didn't get entirely worked, and I had to clean up the sidelot because Tartar Gate had been there and I had had to ask someone else to unload them because I was already half an hour late getting out due to the feed truck being really late and also because people over the weekend seem to like to leave trash and random shit lying about out there. I don't know exactly how difficult it is to use the forklift to get fencing down from the racks to sell some and then PUT IT BACK INTO the racks really is, but apparently whoever does this can't spare three minutes and it just makes more work for me which I really really don't need.  And Thursday was truck day so of course that was hectic and all deliveries always seem to come on I had to deal with UPS twice, Fed Ex once and Long's bringing back a repaired logsplitter, and taking a ton of other shit with them.  There is just too much to do. And Friday was all about slogging out the freight which took forever because we had one call off and the Shitty Amber instead of the Good Amber.

Our mortgage is also increasing $100 a month because of a shortage in our escrow, which sucks. All this shit seems designed to just fuck us over.  We were going to buy a tent so that in August when we vacation in the UP with Ruth and Joe we would have something to sleep in, but now, I am trying to cough one up out of my friend Courtney, or anyone else that may have one.  I'm still going to the UP. I haven't been to an entirely new place in a long time and I'm well over due.  If I have to work my ass off to pay all these fuckers that lay claim to my money so that I can't even decide how to spend it, I deserve to go on a vacation at least once every five years, cause that's really how long its been since I've visited somewhere I've never been for more than a day trip. 

I've never been so glad my mom  is generous with her money and made me take a $1,000 check to buy a new mattress.  I'd have never gotten one with all this going on.

The one bright spot this week was that Fat Kat's Pizza got some gluten free dough in just for me.  Yes, they really did. Jon had asked them if they had considered making gluten free pizzas and they hadn't but he explained why.  And, after a few months, they have got some dough in. I tried it last night. Ultra thin crust, crispy, but it was so tasty and much closer than the other pizza place that makes a gluten free crust, so that makes it cheaper in gas.  I think it was a slightly smaller pizza than the other place but it cost $7 instead of $10 and its a mile away instead of 10 miles away so if they would continue to do this, I'd be happy.